Thursday 2 June 2011

I Was The Perfect Prologue.

Whoaaa it's only wednesday?! Tomorrow it will be thursday and also the end of the week, well not technically, but for us it's pretty much so. Seems like we've been working for 2 weeks in the last 3 days, so hurray! I just missed dinner cause I slept through it, not the first meal I've missed since the start of the week due to sheer fatigue. Sleep > Food. At least that is the case for this week, I'm sure if you ask me next week and offer me roti prata at 3am I'd gladly sacrifice my sleep. But just for now, SLEAP PLEEZ! 4 and 5am nights so much hell on the mind.

Hello real thursday! And those most precious of words, enforced lights-out! You have no idea the amount of blessed relief those words provide to us poor dying midshipmen. But iz okay the suffering will be over super soon hehe.

Okay I have 8 confinements left to serve, which means 4 weekends, but I have only 5 weekends left in OCS. That basically means I'm serving out the rest of my time here, stuck in camp like a loser. I think socially speaking, my power level is ~ -9000!!

I've been reading The Russia House by John le Carre (how do I insert that e with a tick on top a la Pokemon's e?) which I know seems like not the wisest course of action for someone denied sleep so brutally, but who can deny a good spy novel! Spies are one of my indulgences (think: Salt and Bourne!!) and I remember The Spy Who Came In From The Cold which was a pretty good movie based on his book.

Doesn't it strike you sometimes how you seem to be the perfect prologue? You set the stage. Introduce the main characters (of whose company, unfortunately, you do not belong to.) And then you are gone, you never come back. You might even be forgotten.

Or sometimes, you seem to be playing the bit part. An irrelevant part of someone else's story (more fool you, who thought you were the leading man!) who will appear in the credits only as "Boy #1" or perhaps "Man in blue shirt"

Do you ever smile a wry greeting to a former lover? When you see or hear or think of something that reminds you, and you cannot help but smile to yourself, and maybe rue anew all the what-ifs and could-haves (and should-haves too)?

And anw I'm so annoyed with myself for picking at my scabs. There my elbow was, well on its way to a complete healing when my idiot fingers had to go exploring and start peeling it off, and now my elbow looks like a disfigured pangsai. Possibly it's a reflection of human nature, that always we peel our scabs and never really allow ourselves to move on cleanly. Something like that.

Alright then. That shall be all, the enforced lightsout having been none too well enforced hehe. See ya'll (not happening.)

Oh have I ever mentioned, that 7 quarters of the things I say are nonsense? Haha sorry so lame I know.

Oh yes Birdy's cover of Skinny Love is pretty good too, apparently she's 14 or sth?!

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