Sunday 15 May 2011

These Are The Tears Of Yesteryear.

Just completed some backbreaking hard labour. You would not want to be me right now. RCP, hard labour, no freedom, etc etc. Shan't whine more, I'm sure you know my sobstory by now! Haha. I hope I get to exploit a little technicality in the system and get to go for my cousin's wedding on saturday. I don't recall having ever been to a wedding in my life, nor a funeral. Apparently when I was less than 3yrs old I went to a wedding though, but to my dismay I have no recollection whatsoever :(

Listening to Hurts now, and subsequently I'll try Wild Beasts, or sth. Courtesy of my fellow confinee the epic Justin, quite possibly the g33kest of us all. The amount of games he buys and plays really puts me to shame, like I'm a fledgling gamer instead of a hard-boiled veteran. Hurts is pretty good though, I like the video for Wonderful Life and Stay.

By the by, I spilt this chocolate malt drink on myself just now. I was happily brewing it, as a just desserts for all that hard work we put in, when my shirt caught on the spoon and I dumped the entire cup and it's contents on me. I officially hate vile powdered 3-in-1 concoctions now argh. Super loserish. I think I'm going to smell faintly of choco-malt for the rest of the day, possibly and probably a psychological thing. Can drinks were also spilt/splashed on me at least 3 times yesterday. It is bewildering.

Anw last sunday on the way from SAFTI to Changi on the taxi, I looked out the window and the sky looked so.. peaceful, mellow? Haha idk how to put it. It was like in pastel colours, hues of blue and orange, sort of like a sky a kid would dream up.

Okay of all the hard labour we do, one of it comprises clearing up leaves from an entirely god-forsaken place (an impossible job. who remembers the man, maybe in dante's hell, who endlessly pushes a boulder up a slope only to fail for eternity?) Anw as I was doing that I was struck by a thought, that possibly, some ants could meet their soulmates because of what we were doing! I mean, some of them would probably never have met each other until we started rustling all those leaves and sweeping them from one place to another. Ant romance, pretty cool eh? Of course you've got only one Broodmother Ant, so I'm not so sure about family planning and all that. Ohwell I'm sure they'll work it out, maybe elope and escape the colony or sth.

Very very melancholy, and how does your garden grow?

(The weather was) Like a relationship on the rocks. Blowing hot and cold and the rain like the quiet tears of a lover in the wrong.

The sky hangs heavy, like your heart.

Yeah the sky has been somewhat overcast for a bit lately hasn't it? Foreboding, the impending rain. You'd think it'd provide welcome relief from the oppressive heat but somehow once the rain stops the heat and humidity sets in again, and it's sweltering once more. Sheesh.

Anw a few songs have been stuck in my head recently, some quite inexplicably. First and foremost is Bruno Mars' Marry You, which I heard on the radio by chance. Next, and for a few weeks now, is Hold It Against Me. Can't get "You feel like paradise" out of my head. And by far the worst, is S&M. One of the most stupid songs I've heard, everytime I hear it I go "seriously? geez" or sth similar. And Spoon's That's The Way We Get By, "We go out in stormy weather."

Cause all the pretty girls go to the city.

We own the sky.

Requiem for a dream.

Effervescent Adolescents.

Brave and loyal to a dream you do not know.

Okay that last one was from Sandman, the story about Deadeye Dick and Peter Himmels, pilots on different sides of the Great War. And it was originally Fluorescent Adolescents by the Arctic Monkeys.

I'm not sure if I'm ready to watch Requiem, sounds like heavy-going honestly. But I wish I could watch Micmacs at the movies, instead of streamed online sigh. Life is 'orrible indeed. Did I mention no vesak's day for me? SDAOjiasdjklhajslkdaslkdjiwqjdamnit.

So many things I wish to do after comms. I would like the hongkong trip to materialize. I would like to firm up australia. I would like to maybe go to cambodia, or vietnam? Sounds suddenly appealing. Maybe I should do a little more research in the area. Basic Diving Course, unfortunately no time for airborne too haha.

One from the dead-eyed to the doe-eyed.

What a brilliant way to say what I imagine must be a love song (or whatever) from boys to girls! Wild Beasts are pretty good hey.

I haven't played DotA in so long haha. I suspect after it dies out I'll stop gaming, maybe for good. Depends too on Diablo 3 probably, hehehe! I've not even played Kongregate in ages! This must mean I'm growing old, surely?! Ohnoes.

During what little bit of liberty we had yesterday, we had Starbucks and bought books from NTUC Fairprice (?! I know) and had Subway dabao-ed back for us. Inclusive of 24 cookies. Gyahahaha. A hot green tea latte and a scone [and sharing my friends' beef pie (basically lasagna in a pie, wut?) and sandwich] is enough to make one feel more alive and less confined! Yipee, a little bit. And while searching for ziploc bags, we stumbled upon a cache of books within the NTUC!!

It is a sign of how ridiculously nerdy we all are that we all stopped in our tracks and immediately began to browse through the books. Seriously. Like the biggest bunch of geeks/nerds around, and we're supposed to be officer cadets i.e. cool people. Don't get me started on the geekspeak. Anw I bought I Shall Wear Midnight (Terry Pratchett!!! and in hardcover too awesome much) and Bleak House, and Dr. Zhivago, and Zen & The Art Of Motorcycle Maintenance. All published by Vintage (save Terry Pratchett's.) And seriously vintage makes it impossible for one to resist buying their books. The have the nicest covers ever.

And my friend stole Alice in Wonderland from me. WHAT A SWINE. I WAS SO GOING TO BUY IT. And my other friend stole Moby Dick. OH.. OH.. OHHH!!!!!! I would destroy them if they weren't such delightful people. Sigh my capacity for compassion and magnanimity.. Okay whatever.

But yeah, I bought 4 books even in the midst of confinement!! I don't know whether that's a blessing or just very well disguised as one. I need to curb my spending maybe?!

Slept at 3am yesterday night because of more nonsense with my fellow confinees. Woke at 6. Maybe I should take a nap. Also put in a few chinese chess games yesterday. After a rude shock, I managed to acquit myself quite favourably, before slumping to 2 straight devastating losses! Demoralizing stuff. But really, epicest bunch of people to be confined with (not for much longer though, they haven't been quite as bad as I have been. I will suffer the rest of it alone) and I really am extremely thankful.

Let me not get started on how depressing this can all get! And I was feeling a tad troubled last night, over some rather serious issues i.e. moral courage etc. Blah.

Alright I'll be off now to continue with Sandman, and hopefully fit in a (in my entirely biased opinion) well-deserved nap too. Enjoy yourself, whatever you're doing, and be of good cheer!

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