Sunday 3 April 2011

Travel & Travails.

Hullo all. I'm sure everyone has been eagerly awaiting my return yeah? Haha who am I kidding. Okay first and foremost I shan't be blogging much about my trip, chiefly cause it's 4:28am and I want to sleep. Instead I shall recount my last few days back in Singapore which believe me you, have been rather exciting too!

So on wednesday after arriving back here, I had dinner at home before heading out to watch Morning Glory. I was initially thinking of watching Sucker Punch but random comments on facebook convinced me otherwise. Morning Glory was awesome! I was so glad nobody was sitting beside me cause I was laughing so hard. I don't think I've ever watched Diane Keaton but she was pretty good! Some great dialogue and lines there.

Then I spent thursday uploading photos. Yes, that was basically all I did for the day. I will forevermore be amazed by people who dilligently upload photos within hours or days of their being taken. My photos were stored in my camera for more than a year! I think I spend so much time cause I'm thinking of my captions actually.

I will deviate here for a moment. During sailing I actually kept a diary of sorts, I did not document what I did everyday, but I did pen down many of my thoughts, so it was sort of like an offline blog. Which actually makes absolutely no sense, you know. Cause a blog is an online diary. You know what I mean. It's just that modern words and ways of thinking have taken over our lives, sigh. Okay that was another digression. So this is what I had to say.

Some people see the world in pictures. I see it in words. Well, I don't know how to better put it. When I take a photo, I think in terms of captions. That is about the best I can explain it. For someone who claims to see the world in words I prove to be remarkably unadept (actually inept) at articulating just how I feel. Haha. My photos mean about as much to me as the caption I attach to it. I don't know if you getting my drift. Sometimes I look at something and think of a caption, before I actually take the photo. Of course, there are times when the beauty of a scene speaks for itself and I snap it.

On a sider-note I think the photos I have of Malaysia look fantastic! Of course, they were enhanced (just slightly a little bit) by photoshop by my sister, so I don't know exactly what happened to them. And the MSTD ones look pretty decent too, although nowhere near as fantastic. I think I have some flair! Oh shut up. Unfortunately due to it's long incubation, I forgot quite a few of the captions that I intended for the photos. Ohwell. Occupational hazard of a procrastinator.

Moving on. Then on friday I decided to watch Mary & Max. Sounds terribly delightful, and there's the voice of Philip Seymour Hoffman (I think, well the guy from Doubt anyway.) To my utter surprise, it was all sold out by the time I reached Cineleisure!!! It's a clay animation (I think) for goodness sake, who'd have expected it to be sold out?! I took it in my stride and went to visit my mother at work.

It's always a tad embarrassing to do that, to be honest. Dear mother always takes the opportunity to proudly display me to all her colleagues, and y'know as the shy boy I am... And then all of them remark that: oh, the (younger) brother is taller than him right? which although I am quite inured to by now, is still embarrassing to have out loud! Sigh. Genetics sure has dealt me a bad hand.

And I spent an hour scuttling between taka and wisma for this Project Blood something shop to look for a man-bag/purse/pouch. Which sounds terribly gay, I know, but I assure you what I'm looking for is nothing of the sort. All I want is something to put my book(s) in, and a pen if need be, and my wallet/handphone/mp3/keys/tissue paper/umbrella (optional) as well. Something without a sling or whatnot, maybe a sort of man-clutch. Urgh. Probably it's something like a laptop holder, I think? I can't be the only guy who wants sth like this, can I? Ridiculous that's it's not something readily available at a store near me.

Then I went to kino to hunt for Norwegian Wood (not a very exciting hunt, the book is everywhere now, but I'm looking for the Vintage cover and not the "Now a major motion picture" one. I never buy those if I can.) but I was disappointed. So I headed to that excellent Borders at Wheelock and did not find it either. I did, however, get A Wild Sheep Chase by Haruki Murakami (a most brilliant author, I may elaborate in future posts!) and The Little Prince.

I remember being quite disappointed at not finding it during the Popular book fair last year, especially since its blown up cover was on one of the pavillions there. I really must thank jiamin for introducing her favourite book to me (at the tender age of 18!) As well as The Melancholy Death of Oyster Boy, which I thoroughly enjoyed, and one of Neil Gaiman's short stories as well.

After the inspired purchase of the books, I headed back to Cine to watch Sucker Punch (Digital). Okay, I've never watched a digital show, nor have I watched Sucker Punch Non-Digital, so I'm not too certain what it does? HAHA. I'm quite sure I paid extra for it by the way. I think I see the digital parts sometimes, but how am I to know whether they're supposed to be there anyway?! How was I to know / They never told me / Can't believe that I'm the fool again..

Anyway I'm 70% sure the show was meant to be camp. There were too many awesomely ridiculous/exaggerated scenes for it to be taken seriously. Millions of cliched/corny lines and scenes in there, and there's no way that would have slipped past the director of Watchmen (& 300 for that matter, except that I haven't watched it yet :O) I must say, though, that Jena Malone was absolutely cracking! And Abbie Cornish, but Rocket was really the scene-stealer.

It was the 10pm show and I had to cab back after that. (Don't get me started on my ill-discipline when it comes to taking cabs nowadays! I'm totally splurging.) At least I took the MRT all the way to kranji (last train) before hopping onto the cab because the stupid MRT just cannot go one more stop. ONE.

Also on the topic of friday, which I somehow forgot, was visiting annabel and amanda at NTU. Thanks a bunch for hosting me, you guys were such gracious hosts. Haha. My primary mission was to get a printer (not such an easy task, the thing is gargantuan. Story for another day.) and bugger off, but thanks to my hosts I had quite a pleasant afternoon.

And before that I was at JP's Harris where I bought 3 books. Ignorance by Milan Kundera, and 2 other books that randomly caught my eye (they were 3 for the price of 2 actually haha.) How Late It Was, How Late by James Kelman which incidentally, is the Booker Prize winner of '94, which I had absolutely no idea about. And The Right Attitude To Rain by Alexander McCall Smith which looked delightful, but I have just, at this very moment, discovered that it is part of a series. Which dismays me because I cannot begin on a book without having read its prequels. Sigh! I now have to buy another 2 books at least. And Norwegian Wood. And all of Murakami actually. And all of Milan Kundera. Garn!

So that was friday. I bet you thought I'd never end, or that I'd remember it was only friday! So, Saturday, which was today. At 6:40 I made the snap decision to watch Let The Bullets Fly, which was 7:45 at Plaza Sing. Within 2mins I was out of the house and within an hour, at the box office. I quite like being able to get dressed within a minute and not have to dither about, and agonize alot, and muck about with make-up and all. Haha! I'm kidding, of course.

So let me share with you why it was awesome I went to watch the movie alone. I got the very last seat left in the house. All the way at the corner in the front row, which meant I had to crane my neck. But nonetheless. There was only one seat left and I got it. Awesome much! I wonder whether it'd have been filled otherwise, I'm inclined to think that it wouldn't have.

Let The Bullets Fly is an awesome show. The best of the 3 I've watched this week. Yet another show that did not take itself too seriously (that makes all 3 of them, actually. Comedies, or at least, comedic) and it was absolutely smashing! I enjoyed it thoroughly and loved every minute of it. I thought Andy Lau was in it but apparently its his lookalike. Uncanny likeness though. The cast was quite awesome, especially Carina Lau! 281 thumbs up.

And I had ThaiExpress after that. And after that tau huey from the most awesome Rochor Beancurd. The crowd there is quite staggering. I finally managed to buy my hot tau huey and scooted off to the steps in front of SOTA to consume that bowl of heavenly goodness. Then I boarded the train home.

So that has been my week thus far, and it has been hapz! And my money has been flowing through my fingers like water. It is quite alarming. Oh oh and I also wanted to buy a refurbished iPod Touch 32gb from the apple store but it's all sold out!!! Damnit. I was so ready to splurge on myself and I couldn't. It would have been the expensivest item I ever bought too. My record still stands at 100+ dollars for my mp3. Haha!

Okay so I will end here. My next few posts probably will just be little passages and bits and pieces of what I've written while sailing. There's stuff from my diary while backpacking way back in march last year and from some of the writings done while in OCS that I might like to include too. Some of them seem pretty decent. But it really is different when I'm actually penning stuff down by hand into my diaries/journals/wtv compared to when I'm typing it out. And some of the stuff I wrote I'd never post here. Haha.

Oh oh let me share my to-do list that I thought up one fine day while sailing! Exactly as I wrote it.

To-Do-List (An Impractical One :)

Defence of the Ancients! (More affectionately known as DotA)(Or unaffectionately known as that lame/stupid game that ALL guys play, eyeroll.)
But restrict myself to only 2 games of it! Ya right -.-

Sleep for 20hours in one glorious day!
But only if I have enough time to spare to luxuriate in block leave.

Layout all my tacky stuff!
Might have to get a rack or sth, so exciting.

One day of foodhunting is in order! I'll make a checklist and not adhere to it.

Operative letter is "s". One is not enough. /\/\/\/\! (Mega-Movie-Marathon!)

Rugby + Rock climbing (+ Badminton?)
'Nuff said. Wanna make some crunching tackles.


On a more practical note, also to upload photos. Let me not start on the practical list, it'll be never-ending @@

Haha okay that's the last of it. Well. I did something insanely foolish but it hasn't turned out so bad (yet) I think! I don't know what I was thinking though! Goodness. Garn! Haha.

Alrighty then goodnight or morning (depending on your nocturnality) and all the best for whatever! (:

NOTE: What a silly idea to blog about my week. This post is, I believe, insanely long. Sigh. It's 6:06 now. I'm such an idoit.

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