Sunday 24 April 2011

Our Bodies Get Bigger But Our Hearts Get Torn Up.

My body is a cage
That keeps me from dancing with the one I love
But my mind holds the key.

Didn't actually want to blog but then it started raining, so my choice was made for me. Thank god for rainy days like this. Esp on a day when I'm feeling all moody and reflective and depressed right from the get-go. Idk why I'm feeling like that (actually I sort of do but it would be unbecoming and uncharacteristic of me to blatantly share like that) but when the rain started I just thought ah at least the heavens are in alignment with me. Okay actually nth so dramatic or hocus-pocus, but you get my point.

So I sort of cheerioed up a little, at this divine sign of acknowledgment. Simple pleasures.

So I'm gonna keep it short and hopefully sweet. You'll be the judge of that. I should really stop judging myself and evaluating myself etc etc. Story for another day.

Let's stick to Arcade Fire, which I think I can safely classify under - epiphany - or maybe - revelation - or sth similar. Only really listened to Crown of Love previously, but now.. Almost non-stop since I woke up heh.

So there was that song My Body is a Cage. It was a striking coincidence to that dancing bit I had in my previous post and I thought the lyrics are so poignant. I know that one day I'll regret my lack of dancing bones and that one day I'll long to dance with the girl I love (with all my heart, both the longing and the loving) but that I'll be unable to cause I'm just so inadequate. And that my body will never be able to convey in its truest form, the expression of love I have so painstakingly conjured up in my mind. And that one day I will be so heartbroken cause I'll never be able to fully describe to the girl I love how much I love her, because of the limitations that our bodies, that words, language, impose upon us. And I think of how beautiful it would be if our minds could one day dance with each others', I think of our thoughts taking flight and interweaving in the most beautiful manner possible.

One day we will be free of our cages, and I refuse to believe that this life is all there is, and so I fiercely believe in the Heaven waiting for us at the end of our transient existences here on Earth.

I'm not even taking my faith into account here, I just think it's something people have to believe in. There are so many things in the previous paragraph I could (and secretly want to) talk at length about, but I'll leave it at that cuz I know my penchant for going on and on and on and on. Next.

There's this song 'Laika' which is the name of the first dog spent into space. A canine cosmonaut, or maybe, canimonaut? Haha sry. And I sort of have an inkling of a story in my head now, either about a canimonaut (okay it's a terrible term, I'll stick to using Laika) or about being sent away, for good. She died, by the way, from overheating shortly after entering orbit, I think. Hmm I might try to write the story but maybe the moment of inspiration is gone now and it'll come out terrible (as always?) sigh.

Then there's Wake Up. I didn't actually read the lyrics until today, cause I was just caught up with the magnificence of the music last night. Then I read it and I was like, woah. It's just simply arresting & staggering. I had my mind blown for a while, I think, then I recovered my wits just in time to blog about this.

Something filled up
My heart with nothing
Someone told me not to cry

But now that I'm older
My heart's colder
And I can see that it's a lie

This part was so awesome in how it doesn't seem to make sense, at least not on the surface. He's older and his heart's colder (so well-put, really) but he realizes it's a lie - to not cry, that is. He realizes that there are things worth crying over, that it's a lie when people tell you to harden your heart and to bury things (which slowly eat you up, fact.) and to repress your emotions, and you slowly and inexorably become cold and unfeeling and emotionless. Don't believe them. Never never never never believe what they say. Never.

Children, wake up
Hold your mistake up
Before they turn the summer into dust

I think this is about how we shouldn't be afraid to make mistakes. To never let our fears govern us.

If the children don't grow up
Our bodies get bigger but our hearts get torn up
We're just a million little gods causing rainstorms
Turning every good thing to rust.

This part was just simply brilliant. The use of the simplest words here to paint pictures so breathtaking. What an amazing way to describe growing up - Our bodies get bigger but our hearts get torn up - and I choose to think of the second part as a picture of people all over the world crying. Goosebumps.

I guess we'll just have to adjust

I thought this was such a sad statement to describe the world as it is, that sooner or later all of us are going to have to adjust, to this grown-up world of indifference and hurt. And because I think that this song is essentially about growing up and lost innocence, that adjusting is such a sad way to describe growing up. Ohwell.

With my lightning bolts a-glowin'
I can see where I am going to be
When the reaper, he reaches and touches my hand

With my lightning bolts a-glowin'
I can see where I am going
With my lightning bolts a-glowin'
I can see where I am going

You better look out below!

I loved this part because of how childlike it is, what with the music and the lightning bolts. And the part about the reaper is such a poetic way to describe death isn't it. Somehow the lyrics harken back to the days of our childhood where we were allowed to dream of having superpowers like flying (on wings, or on winged shoes, or on thunderclouds, or on magic carpets, or) and being able to hurl lightning bolts and fire and ice etc etc.

So maybe it's a way of saying, be a child again, and "you can see where you are going" i.e. enlightenment or sth along those lines.

Yep hope you enjoyed reading all that and maybe agreed with some of the things I thought. This is the first time I ever dissected a song like that haha. Ofcourse it could mean a million different things, but today this is what I think it's about.

Well this wasn't exactly short, but that's about it now. Except that my facebook experiment to look for dinner kakis has sort of failed quite sadly, in that I had practically no replies whatsoever haha! Imma have dinner alone I guess, maybe I'll check out clementi's new shopping centre? Hope they don't just have all the same-old same-old boring fare and franchises!

Happy Easter Sunday and Happy Whatever it is you're doing now!

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