Wednesday 23 November 2011

It's Not Make-Believe If You Believe.

Hi guys. I'm heading down to portsmouth in the wee hours of the morning tmr and I am quite excited!! The Naked And Famous rox my sox. I think I have to start revising their songs now! :D So I really should get to sleep early, but I think I might start on 1Q84 now. New Murakami book + TNAF, bezt dayz of my lifez.

Hehe I know TMI (too much information) but I am srsly letting rip some MASSIVE farts!! (Who can resist reminiscing the Beyblade "Let it rip!!!" series.) Must be that chicken tikka masala I made just now. Shocking stuff ey?! It wasn't all that difficult, since I bought the sauce all readymade, just had to prepare the chicken and tomatoes and onions (you get my drift, the drift of all the noxious smelly gas particles) which considering I'd never diced a chicken thigh before last week, is still quite the achievement!

And I had pan-fried mushrooms on bagel for lunch. Such posh-ness has got to be unnatural.. My flatmate took me out grocery shopping on saturday, hence all this amazing sounding food. I even made fish and chips one night. Never thought I'd ever feel so empowered in my life. Don't need a wife no more!! Hehe kidding.

I finished reading Inheritance, the last of the Eragon series yesterday. When I started it I was quite appalled at the style of writing, that bit recapping the going-ons of the previous books. Made me really conscious of the fact that he'd started writing the books at like 15 or sth (I cringed). But thankfully it got better after that and it was quite a good read after all. I really really want to read Robert Jordan again though! Too bad I left them all back home sigh.

I watched Drive the other night and throughout the movie I was just thinking: Carey Mulligan! I couldn't help myself really, which is probably the definition of obsession. Ryan Gosling was good as well though. It was a good movie, probably worth another watch some other time, although not at all what I expected of it. Shall watch Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy as well, but maybe I should go read the book first before I do. It's John le Carre after all.

Okay I shall stop here so that I can start reading my book and hopefully drift of to sleep early so I can wake at 5am zomgosh. Can you whisper? Run, whirlwind run. Passive me, aggressive you!

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