Saturday 20 February 2010

Half Cup Empty, Half Cup Fool.

So you sometimes, ever the eternal optimist, believe in how everything is gonna turn out alright. That behind that corner lurks something beautiful and wondrous. Sometimes you're wrong and in fact there's a monster / a mugger / a murderer waiting for you just around that bend. And in an instant your hopes are dashed / your pockets are emptied / your throat is slit. And that will teach you to be wary to be cautious to fear and to not go in head held high. And the way life works, if you think something is going wrong for whatever reason, then it probably is, cause life is just a series of disasters, one after another. Because sometimes nothing ever turns out alright and your optimism doesn't help. In fact, it just might make things worse.

So don't be a half cup fool and go about with that belief in all things beautiful or you'll end up with nothing but your cup full of tears. And we don't want that do we?

I'm no cynic. This is just a post to all those things gone sour, to all those times you expected good but ended up guttered. To hopes dashed and dreams destroyed. To that terrible sinking feeling you get when it all finally goes wrong. You know what I'm talking about.

As a sidenote, I find cynics and skeptics to be among the most irritating people in existence, mostly cause of their presumed superiority and air of condescension. Just saying.

See ya.

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