Sunday 27 January 2008

Seven Seems Super Sexy.

Well well, 7 distinctions. What can I say? This is wildly beyond my imagination, and guess who gets the credit? Dearie me, obviously it's GOD! HAH! Who else gives you more than you ask for, more than you hoped for? Not even I thought I'd get that, so, glory be to God. Hallelujah, guess who deserves the praise! Despite the resentment I'm sure there is against me, maybe from only a few people, I know where my reassurance lies. Victory comes not from intelligence, but from He who created Man. Therefore I conclude, there is no point gnashing and wailing at me over me and my lack of hard work, while others slog away. I say this also, I am neither self-confident nor complacent. I am GOD-confident and rest assured in His faithfulness. And so He is. So I'm terribly sorry to those who I have ticked off over my perceived arrogance. I will never make light of anybody's hard work, I apologize if I seem to abuse my intelligence (so they think).

Oh man, that last paragraph is equally thankful, and equally defensive. I don't know man, I'm afraid I seem terribly arrogant at times. That's always a fear, not that I flaunt my slack-ness much. I hope. I try my best not to show-off and stuff. The way people like, you know, Zhi Hua does? I myself find that attitude abrasive and incredibly insensitive. You don't disregard the effort that people have put in over 4 years of education. You don't bloody demoralize them and step on them. Am I guilty of such nonsense myself? I honestly have no idea. I truly hope not. Will someone give me feedback some time or another? I need to know if I'm a phishing hypocrite. Heh, sometimes I'm a bitch and I don't know it, LAWLS.

Speaking about bitches, reminds me. Hahaha! This is also about that DAO thing. People tell me I'm unfriendly. O.o Tell me, how many people keep in contact with their primary primary school friends? The primary school that I left when I was in P4! Well, there's this annoying person. Her name is Stella. She has a few friends. They are annoying too. Especially this one girl, who just loves to antagonize me. I hope this is my being ego. Seriously. Truly. I have this hugely horrible suspicion that stella likes me, and maybe jasmine, and maybe zhiying too. Holy moley man. I sincerely hope this is not the case. Or it'd be freaking ugly and painful for me to shake them off. Seriously. This stella, she freaking pesters me lah. Even when it's painfully obvious I have absolutely no interest whatsoever in her. She MSNs me, messages me, and even calls me. Thankfully I put an end to that last bit by speaking in unmistakably pissed-off tones everytime she did that. Hmm, how is it possible to tactfully ignore her..? Hmm? Pissy man.

Jasmine's okay, she seems nice. Zhiying, my goodness. She is the very cream of irritation itself. Somehow, somehow, she views me as some competitor or something. Like she doubts her own intelligence and has to get one over me every single time. Her sarcasm is so annoying it's not even funny. She just won't get it, I absolutely do not want to engage in one-upmanship behaviour with her, it's freaking beneath me. Does she care? No, she laces every sentence with barbs and flings them at me. Nice, thanks alot. So they were in nanyang and all, very smart, now they're in hwa chong. Very smart, very superior. Try not to pick on little neighbourhood boys like me lah, you don't have to prove your superiority and wittiness and sharpness on little kids. It must have hurt your ego that I usually emerge the victor anyway, poor damn thing. Strips you of all your hauteur and arrogance huh? Aww, poor damn thing.

Heh, that ends my rant. It's quite saddening I tell you, everytime I say I want to remain at jj, people give me this disparaging look, and say "Huh, what? Really ah.." It makes it seem as if I'm making a life-threatening decision. Big fish in small pond and all, don't they get it? Wahaha. I'm so glad my cousin's in IP program, or our results would be under heavy scrutiny and competition. I think I'd have owned the bragging rights with 8 points. Hah, so there.

Oh yeah, there are a few movies I intend to watch. The Assassination Of Jesse James By The Coward Robert Ford. 3:10 to Yuma. Sweeney Todd. Yey, good times ahead. I'll probably watch Assassination alone, maybe 3:10 too. Sweeney Todd seems like its freaking R21, sucks. Horrible stuff, wen xiang has a free ticket to 3:10. Guess who he wants to watch it with? Oh sheeeeesh, geeeeeeez. I'm so scared. Sticks like gooey-glue I tell you. He must have some animalistic fear I'm let out of his sight man. Scary stuff. Doesn't he have a life away from me?! Doesn't he have a girlfriend? OH WELL. He has no subtlety whatsoever. Bah. OH WELL. Anyways, if anyone is interested in watching any of those movies, ask me out man. They seem like dialogue movies, not exactly action, does anyone appreciate these type of movies? I do, and if anyone does, do inform me (:

Shall do some new year shopping this time. I have come into a 200 dollar fortune by dint of my results. Thanks to my papa and mommy. I want to buy a few things sia. Maybe a watch, a bag, some pants, perhaps one shirt, some socks, and probably not a shoe. I feel like making specs too, but that may be unwise. No idea where to go buy what with who :D Hah, I'll see how things unfold. Will be going for service today, yay. I hope my sis goes along, she very long never go church already. Bok says die die also must bring my sis along. Oh kay, shall do (: I'm supposed to meet wen xiang, like NOW, but I'm not going to, hah! I'll try to be tactful in my avoidance of him, LOL! Hehs.

A One
A One
A One
A Two
A One
A Two
A Two

Praise Jesus.

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