Sunday 20 December 2009

This Is The Day That The Lord Has Made.

This is the day that the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it.

Thank god I went for service today. It's weird but I haven't been to the indoor stadium for service in years. Maybe the last time was in sec 2. I don't know what creeps into me during the "festive season" that makes me miss christmas service year after year. Festive season in quotation because the past few years have not seemed particularly festive to me. This year is promising to be something quite different, however. From the cheap christmas tree at home (at only $19.90!) to finally attending christmas service. Yes, I am feeling the festive cheer!

Maybe it comes from remembering the true reason for christmas. Make that reasons. It is a time for celebration, to celebrate the presence, the miracle, of friends and family. It is a good reason. And just as important, maybe even more important, the reason for christmas is You. You who have given Your life for the world, let us consecrate this one day to Your name, in remembrance of Your sacrifice. Let us not cross out Christ from Christmas (Xmas) and remember the true reason for this celebration. It is the best reason we need.

I have missed christmas service so often that I never realized we had a tradition of being granted wishes to make. These were mine. Shalom peace to me and mine. Prosperity to me and mine. And by me and mine I refer to everyone whom I care about, and if that includes you, be blessed.

I see how I've been really narrow-minded lately and it wasn't working wonders. When you try too hard you leave no space for god to work in. So I guess it's time to let go and let god. It's not that I think assuming an air of indifference is a good thing, but sometimes you have to not let stuff affect you too much. I feel happier already.

As promised, I've kept off the books until the end of A's, and upon resumption I've been reading some awesome stuff. Book 12 of the Wheel of Time, understandably awesome. Neil Gaiman (what a talent) with Neverwhere and Anansi Boys, both books of which I devoured each in one sitting. And I've borrowed the book that I told myself was gonna be the first book I borrow after A's, Extremely Loud And Incredibly Close. It's gonna be exhilarating.

So I end here with a merry christmas to you and yours, enjoy the festive season and be of good cheer! Shalom!

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