Sunday 4 October 2009

Nightmares And Dreamscapes.

Cool title, srsly. Yes, I didn't come up with it, it's the title of a stephen king anthology. But it sounds cool and it's pertinent to what I intend to blog about. Dreams.

Intriguing topic, really. Powerful messages from our subconscious to us? Prophetic? The thoughts lurking at the back of your mind taking form? Some of them are just plain weird. Inexplicable. And some are so vivid you can't help but think about it. The funniest are those weird AND vivid ones. I clearly recall a dream when I was young that I was licking some wax thing from the kitchen ceiling. It felt so real I wasn't sure if I really licked the freaking ceiling or not. Yucks.

Anyway the reason I'm blogging about this is the odd dreams I've been having these past few days. Child soldiers committing suicide by jumping off a cliff. That one was pretty impactful, I was thinking about child soldiers the whole day after that. And the one just last night was worse, I dreamt I received news of my brother's death. Honestly I woke up in a fright. Freaking scary.

It's not something I'm willing to contemplate. Not even slightly. And it's unimaginable, absurd. But it did set me thinking of how much of my childhood was spent with him. Some stories are special. Dear to your heart. They mean so much to you that you can't help but want to share it with someone else. When (if) I get a girlfriend I'm freaking going to regale her with all my childhood stories, and she better enjoy them. Mr Demanding.

His O levels are in I think 3 weeks time or something. I hope he does very well. Honestly I hope he does better than me. I think my parents expect alot from him so if he doesn't beat my score it'll be truly sucky. And I think he wants to beat me. Even I want him to beat me. I admit I do engage in one-upmanship with him but this is one thing I hope I get owned in.

Studied at BBMAC just now, overnight. It was however only about 6 hours, and considering a best case scenario of 50% efficiency, then it's a punitive 3 hours of studying. After skipping school for 2 consecutive days, I can with conviction say that I'm pathetic. There's just no urgency whatsoever, despite all the dire warnings we've all received about the little time left till A's. But as the saying goes, hope springs eternal. So you got that right, I'm still quite optimistic. I do remember a time where I was aiming for a scholarship. That time however, has passed. Although I am still (foolishly) thinking of straight As.

I'm suddenly feeling very tired cause the caffeine is wearing off. Damn. Probably gonna sleep through service =/ So draining. And newsflash, I saw in the papers about this teacher who had to watch as her students died while on top of her. Man. What trauma. All these disasters happening one upon another, it's very sad. Apparently it's all just a matter of time till the Big One, the earthquake that is going to be so cataclysmic. I also read that earthquakes weaken already unstable fault lines, leading to more numerous, powerful earthquakes. Won't that continue all the way until the earth splits apart at its seams? Nature 1:0 Humans.

Super tired. I'll sleep for an hour,and hopefully wake up. Till then, pleasant dreams.

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