Saturday 26 September 2009


Short post.

Ahah well not THAT short. I just felt like blogging cause I've been feeling restless. You know who you can count on to encapsulate your thoughts? The masters, that's who. With simple words and simple music, The Beatles. Here's a line.

Do you need anybody,
I need somebody to love.
Could it be anybody
I want somebody to love.

Okay that was 4 lines, but you get my point. That's why they should be remembered forever, not because some marketing guru decides that it's time to milk a cash cow again.

Sometimes, you really want someone to love. Probably even more than you want to be loved. And sometimes things just won't fall into place. You might hope and dream but that confluence of time and chance just won't happen. Then what do you do? What's left to do? Sit around waiting for that perfect set of circumstances, yet again? Sometimes that seems the height of folly. Other times, it seems bearable, cause it's the only thing to do.

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