Thursday 24 September 2009


Sometimes life gets so boring and monotonous, it seems we're not in fact living at all. We're all zombies. If I were a zombie I'd be the cool ones from 28 Days Later which are freaking incredible. You could be.. the ones from Thriller. I prwn you like np. Anyway I just woke up, and I'm one contented fella. I mean 9.30 on a school day? Just Like Heaven. After going through yesterday like the living dead, I can feel life coursing through my veins. Goodbye, lethargy. Unfortunately, I'm going to expend it studying later. As usual. Studying is disgusting, yet oddly satisfying if you do manage to understand everything. Mostly however, it's disgusting.

Now is the time of the year where I start getting very concerned over my friends. Some people try so hard and don't do well. Some people don't try at all and don't do well. Everyone's not doing well. And nobody knows if they will do well. I'm an optimist, I like to think that all's well that ends well. It doesn't work that way however, people succeed and people fail, barring a miracle. That's what I'm banking on, a miracle. For how can He not then give us ALL things? Keep the faith.

My goodness How I Met Your Mother is awesome. I finished season 1 in one day, that's how freaking good it is. I watched the first episode and I was hooked. It's not just the bomb, it's osama plus mas selamat plus kim jung il. And more.

And.. nope, nothing deep today. No philosphical jaunts or peeks into my dark, troubled mind, I'm sorry. That's that.

Shoutout to all my friends having trouble coping with studies, struggling with life. We'll pull through.

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