Monday 27 October 2008

On Wishes.

Occasionally they come true, and when it does, it gives me that funny tingling feeling in my stomach :D Yeah, I wish my wishes came true more often. But if wishes were wings, pigs would fly! Cannot recall where I read that from.

On books.
I just bought Brisingr and A Thousand Splendid Suns from POPULAR (which is obviously named after me) with my awesome vouchers I got for my awesome performance in the O levels =D O levels is a long long long long long time ago. Anyway I'm a fantasy fanboy, and I couldn't help myself but buy the hardcover cool version of Brisingr but those idiots extended the supposed trilogy to a cycle which means one more book which means more $$. Idiots. And I expect A Thousand Splendid Suns to be awesome cause I love that author despite reading only Kite Runner, but still awesome nonetheless.

Apart from those, I've recently read Cormac McCarthy who is absolutely marvelous but cheem but still marvelous. The Road is a deep disconcerting read, but a brilliant piece on hope, and also on morality. Seriously great author who manages to weave lots of human touch and indecision and grave questions of choice into his short books. No Country For Old Men is also excellent, and makes me even more fond of the Coen Brothers who converted it into a movie. The movie is even more excellent after reading the book.

Oh and Robert Jordan died! What the hell. One book more to the end of the series and he dies, how sad is that! Honestly hoping the person who takes over the job does a good one, can't remember what his name is. WAH LAO. One of my most eagerly anticipated books in the near future and the author dies. The Wheel Of Time is greatness, almost right up there with the scope of Middle Earth.

On movies.
Okay the most awesome movie experience has got to be BATMAN!!!!!!!!! Heath Ledger I love you and I wish I could be your gay partner in Brokeback Mountain!!!!!! Too bad he's dead, seriously. What amazing talent, that is the most ultimate portrayal of the Joker one could ever hope to wish for. He totally drove the movie and he was insane. Why so serious? Absolutely crazy stuff, best 10 dollars I've spent this year. Oh and erm no I'm not gay in case anyone has any serious doubts.

I've also watched Snatch which is a Guy Ritchie movie and it is also awesome. I like to think that my taste is really really good. Anyway Snatch is one of the funniest movies ever, I think. Watch it on tudou or youku. But those websites load terribly slow or I'd have watched Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels.

I want to watch Painted Skin and Burn After Reading. Mainly cause Zhou Xun is the best, and because I think Burn After Reading is my type of comedy. Oh and maybe Rocknrolla cause it's Guy Ritchie but it's M18 so oh well. And I wanted to watch Boy A with my sis but it's not playing in cinemas anymore, seemed really interesting. Probably set my date with Zhou Xun sometime soon, hopefully.

On others.
We lost our match. To those assholes from batok. Honestly, a clean game is much more enjoyable than a dirty one, and much more respectable. That was bullshit though. Too bad we lost or we would have taught them a lesson. Bastards. Anyway I was useless. Their backline was so pathetic we should have scored probably 5977642 tries against them, but I failed. I can't believe I failed to get past their weakling excuses of rugby players. Time to train harder and lose some of that complacency, if not all. Good job yewsiang aka mr sunny for scoring anyway. Credits to the forwards who got fouled up down left right by those losers.

Waiting for House Season 5 to end so that I can one-shot it rather than wait agonizingly for every episode every week. Still 2 seasons behind on Criminal Minds, but no time at all to catch up. Still wondering if Reid remains a junkie -.- (although logic dictates he won't) My books I haven't read yet, with the exception of Brisingr. Am reading The Wheel Of Darkness featuring the most excellent Agent Pendergast.

Aite, I just had a bout of diarrhea and it was smelly as shit. Well, obviously. I think it means that 3 large pizzas shouldn't be shared by 6 people, which we did a mere 8 hours ago or thereabouts. Went for the tribe/semi-clan outing to pizza hut then to the batok csc. It was pretty fun, I was surprised at the high turnout cause I was kinda reluctant to go cause I thought there would only be a few people. Oh and our beloved former and best tribe leader denise was there! Awesome. Thanks a bunch to whoever organised this.

Didn't expect this post to be as wordy or lengthy as it is, but I figure since I segmented it into pretty little paragraphs with cool headings like On Wishes it'd be bearable. Okay then again by my standards this is really short but I'll spare the long laments on my hopes and desires. So tata it is then.

One more matchstick tonight for what we could have been.

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