Thursday 14 January 2010

I'm Tired.

Yes I am. I missed yew tee on my way home. I took to kranji then back again cause I slept on the train. What a stupid waste of time. No matter, my time's hardly worth anything anymore anyway. But still stupid. Ugh.

I barely survived work. At least I could still engage in idle chit-chat or I'd have fallen asleep no doubt. And thank heavens for the discovery of the amazing rejuvenative powers of coffee beans (and its subsequent product coffee)! I survived by the skin of my teeth.

So I knew it wasn't gonna be an awesome day. Not exactly the right state of mind I wanted to be in. I was right. Oh well.

I was too tired to put up any pretense. I was too tired to act like everything was normal. I was too tired to be (or feign to be) happy. I was too tired to do anything but mope about like a loser which is exactly what I told myself I wouldn't do. And it's Easier To Run. Good old Linkin Park song in yeemin's one and only meteora cd which we were listening to last night while playing the mahjong which caused me all this fatigue. But it's true, I found it so much easier to just avoid anything and everything that could even have a possibility of.. something. Anything. Walk off. Turn away. Look elsewhere. Pretend to sleep. Hello cowardice!

So pathetic really. I'm sitting on the platform of kranji station and thinking how I messed up yet again. That was a bad idea to stayover thinking I could last the long day. Couldn't even muster up more than a few words over dinner. Oh well. Anyway happy birthday woonshin. Have a blessed 19th birthday.

Enjoy yourself, and stay safe tonight. Goodnight.

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