Sunday 16 August 2009

I Want You So Bad It's Driving Me Mad.

Annoyingly stuck in my head, and not the Beatles' version. The stupid woman from Across the Universe singing this cheesy line in that irritating act-sexy low voice. Terrific movie nonetheless. Speaking of terrific movies, I watched G.I Joe recently. All I can say is, Sienna Miller (black hair, specs) is oolala hot hot. As in woo I'm melting sizzling hot. She singlehandedly made the movie bearable for me. Okay plot, cheesy dialogue, not too shabby visuals. That was about all the movie had to offer and only the (thankfully plenty) sightings of The Baroness pulled me through. I'm gonna watch Up, prelims regardless.

Which reminds me of how ridiculously unprepared I am for the prelims. Probably everyone else. I don't know why I feel so indifferent about the prelims which starts in oh, 2 days. But well, too bad. It's a shame I'm not gonna ace the prelims cause no matter how you put it, nobody really wants to fail any exam. But resigned to my fate I am.

I wanted to leave iDream at the top, cause I like that story. There are a myriad ways it could have ended, but I think I like it best like that. Abrupt. Like most things that end, without warning and maybe even without reason. I wonder what I'd do if I had the choice to dream uninterrupted. Would you? Or would you persist in the hope that somehow, reality is gonna turn out good. Hope, that commodity so precious to every human being, as Terry Pratchett so poignantly pointed out.

Anyhow, I went for a little run just under an hour, maybe 10 klicks or less. I can safely say I'm not one of those people fueled by a passion for running. It's just blessed relief from thinking. Nothing to it, one foot after another. Nobody talking, the only sound the slap of your feet against the pavement. Can't think, not with the dull pain in your ankles, your knees. Can't focus, not on anything but your rhythmic, laborious breathing. Until you reach home. Ah, but by then you're too tired to do anything but plonk your (sweaty) self into a chair and rest. The good life.

Need. To. Study. Today. Yeah bumming around for the last 2 days was ill advised, really stupid waste of time. Let's hope this doesn't develop into a nasty trend. Against my better judgment however, it's dota time!

Sienna Miller, ouïe!

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