Saturday 13 December 2008

Max Pain.

To begin with, I'm typing on the laptop belonging to my brother. What you'll notice as a consequence is that I will have very little s-es cause his s button is spoilt and I have to copy paste the s-es which is irritating. That last sentence (and this also) has been super tedious to type. My post today will be a real literary challenge, and it will not be long either cause I'm not that amazing with words. And I can't use the words is, was, has and many other basic words. Or the plural form.

Y'know I ever read that an author wrote a book without the letter E in it at all. Word count, 30,000. Pretty brilliant, I can't imagine doing a book like that. I truggle to think up of even one entence without the letter E, pectacular.

Tiring week. Badminton, rugby, rugby and more rugby. Owning, but very painful. I'm aching and rigid all over. And I am part of the BBBB. Bukit Batok Burden Backline. Epic phail in the match, and youtube-worthy cock-up by two people =D. Good training the day before, and fun. I did too much tackling and injured the part of my body around my neck, above the arm, which bear the weight of the world. Pretty on form tackling the whole week, yet no help in the match, not much point really. But ouch. Need a good and lengthy time-out to recuperate. Today however I'm going out to play pool/lan and eat prata and ton with the comm.

I intend to train in the remaining holiday. Probably 8 x 100m everyday? Hopefully. Wonder if my body can hold up. Apart from that I want to watch Australia. (I can't paraphrase the titles of books and movies =/) And I thought the 2nd part of Red Cliff woulda come out in december but apparently not. Maybe Cape No. 7? Probably not, mebbe watch it online. No money. Every dollar I got I throw into my never-ending appetite for literature. Oh yeah, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. Intend to watch that to. Recently procured 2 Neil Gaiman bookz. Amazing author, kinda like Terry Pratchett without the crazy humour. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, I got for $20. Quite a bargain (hardcover) by my reckoning. Not exactly contemplative fiction, but enjoyable. I got other bookz, but they're not of much import. Oh book 2 of Wheel of Time. I have got 2/12 bookz of the thing. Waiting expectantly for the final book to be out.

I'm now into rock. Aerosmith. Pink Floyd. Rolling stones. Imba crap. Dream On - Aerosmith. Another Brick In The Wall - Pink Floyd. Paint It Black - Rolling stones. Comfortably Numb - Pink Floyd. Totally owning. The new GnR album ain't all that great, I think. Too much hype, maybe. The burden of expectation.

Bookz moviez muzik. Rugby. Church. Life of a LB indeed. No chix or love life to talk about. Holy crap I looked out of my window and a black thing plummeted down into the ground. Mighta been a birdie. Which ain't good. (for it) Or litter, which ain't good. (for me) I might get pelted by crap like that while walking under my block, how terrifying. Anyway back on track, my life iz a total bore, apart from the random black thing dropping out of the sky. Very tempting. Very tempting indeed.

Right I'm quitting, typing without s-es iz laboriouz and torturouz. And ahah a not-so-lengthy post, I feel a sense of accomplishment. Au revoir. (Ciao is not half as cool after I realized it mean something along the lines of "I am your slave." ?!?!?!?!?! Vhut da?) Cheerio.

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