Saturday 23 July 2011

Got To Be Good Looking Cause You're So Hard To See.

Okay hi so I decided I shall stop dota-ing for just this one brief moment in time to blog since I realize I haven't done so in ages. No particular reason for this, and a lack of free time definitely isn't the culprit this time, as I have more on my hands than I can be counted upon to handle. Cue DotA and... No, that's just it. Almost nothing else at all, except for work ofc but surely no one wants to hear about something as boring as that.

I must express here my heartfelt gratitude to one Zili for accompanying me to my comms ball, and enduring my most ungentlemanly behavior! I can all too clearly imagine myself instead date-less and most desperate, having to undergo excruciating humiliation and social embarrassment as I canvass my phone contacts/facebook/friendster for someone to ask.

Quite a bit has happened the past few weeks, and it would be unwise for me to try to type them all out especially given the time now and also the time I am supposed to wake up. I wouldn't want to miss breakfast/touch!

So. Lately I've watched Your Highness, Harry Potter 7-2, and Let Me In. In wildly different circumstances. HP7 in Gold Class which was rather too grand (read: expensive) to do often. Your Highness in the tiniest cinema and on the tiniest screen eva, at Lido, which I thought had just renovated no? And still the screen size.. Let Me In was on Funshion on HD which would be brilliant if my laptop had a screen 42 inches wide, but sadly no.

I had to watch Your Highness if only because it features both Natalie Portman and Zooey Deschanel, and since I'm fanboi92 I can't really help myself and my fierce loyalty. I expected the show to be silly and boy was I right! It's pretty funny and the show wasn't bad, but some of the jokes were cringeworthy indeed.

Let Me In I watched because of Cloe Grace Moretz, the girl who put the kickass in Kick-Ass as Hit Girl. It was quite good I think, but perhaps the pacing could have been a little faster. It raises some interesting questions about the nature of evil, comparing her with the bullies.

I watched the trailers for Captain America and it looks good doesn't it! Also Brighton Rock, which seems at least somewhat interesting. I also wanted to watch Elegy but haven't had the chance to do so yet. Sir Ben Kingsley and Penelope Cruz, hopefully in HD on funshion!

Anw I have discovered recently just how disappointing I am. Not disappointed, no, just disappointing. Every time there are those who expect so much more from me, but I fail them at every turn. It is quite sobering. My indifference might shield me from disappointment, but it certainly does not lessen the effect it has on those who care. A whole life of almosts, and I don't seem to care. Sigh.

So. I'm on Bleak House right now, but unfortunately it is not the kind of book you'd sit yourself down into your chair to read for hours on end. It is quite a good read, just not terribly absorbing. Although nothing for sure can beat How Late It Was, How Late in terms of sheer difficultness. I think I spent more than a month on that book, even with the "luxury" or weekends in camp to attempt to finish it.

Charles Dickens is pretty good though, the book being not at all what I expected. Here's a line "(He had) such a delicate sentiment for what was beautiful or tender that (he could have won my heart)" Something along those lines, with the stuff in brackets being probably wrong as I cannot recall with precision what the exact line was. Maybe I will attack Great Expectations and et cetera with more gusto now that I have a bit of experience with him.

Which brings to mind, as I am speaking of a famous writer, of the book I bought at Litteredwithbooks, which is the most delightful of bookshops you could ever expect to find, which is by Ernest Hemingway. I shall read it and then decide on whether I should read the others by him, most significantly For Whom The Bell Tolls, which is famous enough for word of it to have reached my ears.

And before that was Truman Capote with his excellent short stories, so I will probably seek out more books of his. I always find it is so much easier to hunt for reads according to authors. I am always stymied when people ask me how I know what books to read cause I really don't know. I think it's just little nuggets of information that get stuck in your head like when you read of a certain author, or of certain books that are deemed to be "Dazzling", "Wonderful", "The best novel of the 20th century" etc etc. And I have no idea, too, what genres of books I read.

Oh yes I forgot to mention Never Let Me Go. I can't imagine how a movie can be made of the book, whatwith all the unspoken emotion and silent sadness of it all. I can imagine Carey Mulligan in it though, and I assume Keira Knightley was Ruth. It'd be way weird if it were the other way around wouldn't it! I will also read his other books, like Nocturnes and Remains of the Day, if I could only finish the stack I already have. Close to 30 unread books sitting on my shelf now, plizz someone stop me from teh dota.

Okay I have nothing much else I wish to add, and I do really need to sleep so have a good to-night!

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