Friday, 26 October 2012

Share With Me The Sun, And Moon, And You.

Quite a happening few weeks I guess, definitely not what I had in mind when I considered myself being in the UK again from little Sunny Singapore. I miss the sun. Not even joking. Average of 99.93% cloud coverage for the past month or so, I've become whiter by 76.2% at last count, and vitamin D levels hitting an all time low soonish. Statsmaster obviously, cause stats lie 0% of the time. No idea why I'm talking about stats, maybe my Accounting and Finance friends and their z-tests and t-tests and other horrible combinations (what a pun) of tests.

I've never mentioned, I think, my favourite lectures ever. Okay maybe I have idk. Gender, Sexuality and Law, or GSL in short, took it entirely on a whim and I have been loving it. How many lectures do you go to where you make notes which include words like: Female genital mutilation, phallic focus of law, male circumcision, and definitely not least, designer vaginas? Hahaha not that I delight in writing what would in other contexts be considered wholly vulgar and inappropriate, but you must admit, any actual academic course which induces you to furiously scribble such terms into your wordpad must be worth something! It involves alot of critical discourse into gender and our inherent assumptions of what constitutes sex and gender, and is definitely by no means a frivolous module believe me!

I had my first land law tutorial today. My final question involved a guy A who conveyed a piece of land to B with a restrictive covenant attached to it who conveyed it to guy C who sold part of the property to guy D whilst giving him an easement and subsequently giving his son E part of the property without transferring any deeds and then selling it to guy P who wonders what in the world is going on? Well. It's a little bit complicated. I think I know why people don't want to study law. I managed to get through relatively unscathed though, so I'm clearly quite twisted, cause it's a convoluted problem. At first glance, at least.

Okay no more work-related stuff it's boring. I did actually play doto2 for the first time in weeks, so that's something! Or rather, that's something :( I skipped lectures for it hahahaha. I blame waywardwong and chialutchuan (a stretch I know, can't think of anything else. I'm referring to my brother btw, of course not me I'm the victim here.) for the sequence of events which led finally and sadly to my skipping lectureS (yeah multiple lectures.) You can imagine how sad I was. Almost cried, as you might probably guess from my normal studious disposition.

To be known is to be loved and to be loved is to be known. What do you think? Truly known, that is, which of course means to be truly loved and vice versa. Not the kind of "knowing" where you don't really know someone, or when you let other people "know" only the parts of yourself you want them to, or let them know. True knowledge. How can you truly know someone, or how can you know when you do? Does true love mean that despite this lack of true knowledge, or despite the belief you don't have true knowledge, you nonetheless still love? Or does it mean you know all you need to know about a person such that nothing else matters? I guess it does. Cause true love has to be the most extreme form of love, and we know that extremism defies beliefs. Or something. Just rambling a little bit.

I've got a side thought about people being too harsh on themselves, I've not thought it through so I'm just typing as I go along. Guess it stems from this quote I read somewhere about not being able to love unless we are able to love ourselves, or let ourselves be loved? Something like that at least. I don't know if it's a new age thing or a counter-culture, anti-ego kind of thing but I sure know that I do it sometimes too. I wouldn't go so far as to say it's false humility cause I don't think that's what it is, but it's a self-deprecating kind of attitude which I will not fault, I think there's nothing wrong with that at all, it's definitely more comfortable to be around than the self-aggrandizing people out there. But take it too far and you're being unnecessarily harsh on yourself, self-worth possibly unfairly low, crisis of confidence possibly results, and you're stuck in a rut you never should have been in the first place! Something like that anyways! Hope that makes sense somehow, string of random thoughts.

Umm yeah that's all I have time for today actually, not quite the big update I'd expected which you're probably quite glad of haha. I do get carried away sometimes. Most times. But I gotta run, more happening nights NOT involving drinking and getting wasted and other unhealthy lifestyle choices like that so life is goods!

Hope life is gooder for all of youse guys ;)

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