Monday, 1 October 2012

Give Me Hope Give Me Loneliness.

Ho! Settled down pretty well now I guess. Life is and will be gut!

I had really little time when I set out that last post, which was unfortunate cause I wanted to detail what has to have been one of the betterest days my whole summer. This despite not sleeping that previous night. Which is kinda awkward, but also to be expected cause I'm bad that way.

I decided that after 4 months of harrying me, yes, the bloodbank was going to get to feed on me after all. Week after week of immensely sad pleading, Dear O donor, we are running short of YOUR blood this week, etc etc. So I decided, yes! I shall go! And go I did. Goodest choice.

I also was in possession of 2 free tickets to a Shaw theatre of my choice. Obviously this meant movie time, cause you just don't say no to free stuff. Matter of principle. Alas, calamity struck! Who could guess at the series of unfortunate events that led to my going to watch the movie alone i.e. the 20 years of singlererness. It's quite sad to have 2 free tickets and be unable to use them both at the same time :'( Oke cry time over.

I decided to watch Moonrise Kingdom. It was close, between that and Ruby Sparks, but I decided Edward Norton was a better bet. Clearly I have grown up to be an amazing choice maker, cause Moonrise Kingdom is my b0mb!!!! I like it so much I watched it again on my flight over. Ya bomb! Maybe not to everyone taste, although I sure as heck hope that such an awesome movie has universal appeal. By Wes Anderson, director also of Fantastic Mr Fox, and just about as quirky. I guess I came to expect some of the more ridiculous elements in the movie. But what a standout! Especially Suzy. Huge mancrush on her I must say.. <3 p="p">
 Thought the soundtrack was really well done too. Ho well, everything about it actually. New favourite movie no joking.

Speaking of huge mancrushes, I have this massive musical crush on this youtuber as well! Massive hearts all round. She's singaporean to boot, so nothing but + points really! Some fella on facebook shared a video of her singing Beach House and I thought: KOOL, BEACH HOUSE COVERER! So I clicked, not bad. Suddenly, I saw Norway was covered too. Maybe not many people know about Norway (the song) but they should. So I clicked, and love bl0om3d.

Of course, I went on and listened to almost every other cover she'd made, in a totally non-stalkerish sense. It was only a couple of hours after all... Perfectly normal. Beach House, Best Coast, Grizzly Bear, Grimes, idk man.. What do! Also learnt of Art Imperial's Cult Of Love, whose music video is.... impossible. Must watch In the Mood for Love again. And again again.

Also I started listening to James Levy and the Blood Red Roses, whose song Give Me Happiness graciously provided the title for the day. Quite an odd pairing, almost never hear a voice like that guys, but good nonethless.

So yeah. Norway new favourite song too. Can't decide whether I like the actual one by Beach House more or the cover, which can only mean that the cover is darned gut. So yeah. Massive fanboy moments the extent of my romantic endeavours right now hahaah. Or rather, boohuhu. Oh yeah, the youtuber who's the current object of my affections goes by the name talktothewall or dropdeadkxy, cause I'm a belieber in Singaporean talent! Go sgp.

Life is sucks cause I am suck. I had these grand schemes to attend Oktoberfest but I too lazy. Too lazy to research the costs of tickets and other very important stuff like that. I bad. Maybe if tickets are cheap I can still go this weekend? Kind of a long shot though, and I doubt I'm very accurate... So it seems unlikely. This weekend I'll either be going to Sheffield or Cornwall though, so hopefully that soothes a little bit of the pain.

First week of lectures prettaye gut too I guess, especially with regards to my attendance! All but one lecture attended, and that too merely a matter of principle. 9am lectures are fiendish and should be met with open defiance, not compliance and conformity!!!! DOWNS WIT EDUCATORING!!! D3A+H 2 ALL!!!!

Fortunately I took this module called Sexuality, Gender and the Law, which just sounds cheeky and perhaps (only perhaps) slightly (only slightly) perverse as well. But edukation is srs bzns k. Nary a frivolous subject. Still, doesn't alter the fact that the lectures have been fun, and given by a rather funny chap as well, so these have become my new favourite lectures. Hopefully the rest of the academic year continues in similar vein, and I don't end up being bad like last year.

I also managed to do up my room, after dallying for almost a week. 2 lazy 2 take stuff out from my bags. Quite pleased with the end result, although I do miss my posters from last year. Hopefully this means I manage to obtain some new ones this year. More mega hope is that the white tac I used to stick the wallpaper on the walls does not leave oil stains or rip out the paint when I remove them at the end of the year. Big bad no no there, probably gotta cough up 100 pounds or more if that happens, so pls no.

On a sidenote, you know that theory about infinite monkeys on infinite typewriters given infinite time, and that one of them would produce the compleat workſ of ſhakeſpeare? Obviously true, because infinity as a concept has no boundaries, but this theory is observable too irl. Personal experience tells me so. So I travel and take about 412098 photos each time. By the Grace of God and all that is good in this world, I somehow manage to take some good shots! Some rather stunning ones too, even if I say so myself. By some trick of light and fate, I've managed to take a rather good amount of decent photos. This occurrence is rare as heck so I had to make myself an album of them, and even printed them out.

These I have now stuck onto the walls of my room in a bid to inspire myself by myself. Something reeks of an ego here. Anyway. Before I set sail last year for the Great Beyonds of Sattahip, Qingdao and Manado, I was also urged to bring along some photos of my loved ones/ people who mean something to me. These I'd kept at home since, and when I packed to come over I decided to bring them. These too now adorn the sides of my room. I am pretty happy with the outcome! I shall even attach photos here cause you know, I'm pretty hip and modern and the advent of new media and all.

Huh. Okay I guess that's it for now, gonna go hopefully play some badminton to get fit hopefully so I won't fail my IPPT next year hopefully so I can get another $200 hopefully. Auf Weidersehn! (German cause I like to beat myself over the head with my badness)

Oh wait I forgot to include the most betterest part of that day actually. What the. Okay so after the movie I went to donate blood, where I was fawned over. Day is good when you have multiple people telling you, Your veins are very good! in the hopes that you will decide to do the platelet donation instead of the full blooded one. I think I might even do it, even though it lasts 1-2hours and you don't even get a better meal coupon out of it... You're allowed to do it once a month instead of once every 3 months the way the normal one requires. More bloods = more lives saved = more hero. I like being a hero. That's why every few hours I get onto doto 2 and pick myself a new hero. Life affirming stuff.

Anyway. After that I went to the twins place for my farewell steamboat apparently. It's always good to be able to connect again with people you've known almost half your lives now. How do you even count the worth of 9 years of friendship? You just can't. We had the most enjoyable couple of hours, despite the sad absence of a couple of people.

I think it's a wonder how little everyone has changed over the years. Or maybe that's not true, maybe everyone has changed, but for the few hours that we get together again, we become who we were again all those years ago. Who knows. I certainly don't feel like I'm the same person I was 9 years ago, but since I'm looking at everyone else and wondering how little they've changed, could it be that everyone thinks I've not changed either? Random thoughts, these, and of no import whatsoever.

I thought I was being real clever cause I guessed that they were gonna give me a going-away gift/card/thingy. Smart alecks always get what they deserve though! In this case, an almost 4 months early birthday celebration haha. The craziest idea, and definitely unexpected. Madness! I must say I was quite touched. There I was wondering that I was likely gonna spend my 21st birthday alone again, hopefully in some strange foreign land, and that it was gonna be entirely unremarkable. It was a rather gladdening yet saddening prospect. Instead, I get a 3 months and 10 days early birthday celebration, which is just about as unique as it gets.

A happy day.

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