Friday, 5 October 2012

"and she loved beyond looks, which is what every little girl should be taught in the first place."

I've got myself a new musical crush! I have to say that just the name alone raised my expectations already, cause Coeur de Pirate sounds brilliant! Heart of a pirate, or pirate heart, or something. And she does steal hearts, I can tell you. Must be all that french.. Doesn't seem like a very easy language to sing with all that throatiness, so respect beaucoup, or however you say that in french!

I've had quite a happening week I guess, or at least it's considered so by my standards. Said standards being abominably low, given that oftentimes the highlight of my week happens to be grocery shopping. Or a missed lecture. Huh. Anyways, in this past week I played squash, badminton, and tennis (twice even, cool yea!) and went out partaying partaying (yeah!) (even though it wasn't friday friday yeah!) Oh I also cooked at last. And did alot of washing up unfortunately. That's the price to pay when you're too lazy to cook and let your flatmates do all the cooking instead. Hello wrinkly fingermans!

I was badder at squash than expectation, so I was quite sad. I thought after training with this legendary coach this summer I could come and get no.1 seed in UK. Alas it was not to be! Played like burden lost like burden. UK full of burdenators (like terminator but worse, cause they target me):

At least I got to play badminton for about 3 hours sunday night and was destruction personified, if destruction was a handsome/cute guy wielding rackets. Okay maybe I wasn't. I went alone so I didn't have a partner. Er, story of my life really. Anyhow, I had to find a random partner like some sad guy going for prom night. Fortunately I met a Chinese and Vietnamese girl, along with an Indian man who seemed rather nice. I have friends at long last it seems!!! I'm not as pathetic as that sounds, I hope. They weren't that profersioner though, despite that incredible chinese pedigree, but at least I had fun playing with them/playing them! And the vietnamese girl is quite cute too! Yeeeeeeahhhhhh! Hehehe. I think something about 3 he's is inherently perverse. And anything more than 3 is probably the indication of a disturbed mind, no? Yeah. I think Hehe is the limit. For a normal person, that is! Which I'm not, obviously. I'm a pervert.

Then I played tennis and made a fool of myself. This was with a couple of other singaporeans as well, and by a couple I mean 10. Tennis has never agreed with me and it decided to humiliate me publicly this time. Probably cause I couldn't bring myself to watch Roger Federer v Andy Murray in the Olympics in its entirety. It gets kinda trying after the 39th service ace in a row, though. So. I was brought low by my first attempt at tennis since the glory days of JC and free racket borrowing and free courts. And getting destroyed by yewtong everytime he served. Depressing memories.. Not! I wonder how many girls would drool at the thought of watching yewtong play tennis. Probably his entire fanclub, all 2.25 million of them (source: Singapore Census 2012, female population of sgp.)

Down but not out, I decided to train hard, cause Venus Williams is my idol. Who doesn't wanna look like a manbeast while being a woman??? Just kidding. Nothing but respect for sportspeople (can't determine whether to use sportsman/sportswoman. jk.) whatever their sport or gender! Okay who else thought that "jk" meant joke? Apparently it means just kidding...... I think. I is confused. Well, to make up for the cheap jokes at their expense, I must say, the Williams sisters are incredible though, they've been at the top of tennis scene for ages, it's almost ridiculous. Ever since I picked up a newspaper and flipped to the sports section, probably. Probably longer than that even, cause I'm actually really young. The heart and soul of a 12 year old, which is why I don't have a girlfriend yet. Awkward to have one before my soul hits puberty... Infallible argument really!

Oh yeah, I was gonna say, I decided to play tennis again the very next day, with my new tennis buddy(ies). I think I was drastically improved, and it's substantiated by numbers so it's definitely true. ∞% better cause that's what you get when you divide by zero, which is exactly the level I was at that first time. At least I managed to return a reasonable amount of balls and serve over the net, which is pretty respectable I daresay. I didn't exactly give my friend a run for his money but he might have brisk-walked a little I think. Success! I even enjoyed myself a fair bit, and I think I just might continue playing tennis at a recreational level cause I heard chicks in tennis wear skirts.. Hehehehehe.

I only hope it doesn't totally ruin my badminton strokes though, since that was the consequence when I failed to dabble in tennis in JC. I kinda want to join the badminton team, or at least their trainings cause apparently squad trials are over. It's always better and more worth the $ to attend formal trainings instead of merely messing about on the courts. I also want to be at least relatively proficient at at least one sport again. It's depressing to think that in a couple of years I'm likely to be this tubby manchild sitting on couches guzzling beers watching tvs whose only activity remotely resembling sports is likely the Nintendo WVII (the 7th ed of wii). And that my 3 years of badminton in school, 2 years of rugby, -0.7years in tennis, will not only go down the drain but be transformed into NEWater.. I wanna be able to say with confidence, Wotcher mate, you're bloody right I do sports! Brilliant ey? How's the weather? And other very British bits of conversation, I'm afraid.

I did go out last night too, for this international society party. Wasn't too keen initially cause I've blown my budget the way the old man blew his balloons in Up. Not least because of THE KILLERS AND FLORENCE + THE MACHINE OWEYQASHJLFHPEUWPOUQJWOOHOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But that's a story for another day. A slice of good fortune meant that I managed to borrow a VIP card so I didn't have to pay for entry. A slice of bad fortune meant that I only had 1 quid on me so I couldn't even buy myself a drink when I wanted to. So I spent a grand total of 0.00 last night, which did wonders (well, nothing at least) for my wallet but spelt disaster for one of my lectures today. Eyelids felt like saggy manboobs. Sigh. Worst feeling ever.

On a whim I decided to travel tmr after my lecture. I actually wanted to go to Clevedon but I took a most unfortuitous nap and when I woke up the tickets were double the price!!! Shameless rip-offs srsly, these train operators. Sadly I decided to scrap my plans for Clevedon, but I was feeling disgruntled and quite shortchanged so I looked up anywhere nearby which wouldn't cost much to go. Result: Torquay, here I come! Apparently bezt mussels in the vicinity, which is rather fitting. Cause I'm, you know, kinda musselled. As shameless as train operators apparently. Anyway, apparently it's part of the English Riviera, which I've never heard of in my life so I imagine it must be some shameless self-advertisement instead of anything in fact, but I reckon anywhere that has the nerves to call itself that must have some sort of substance cause there's no smoke without an arsonist (propagandist in this case) and all. Looking forward to windswept beaches and windswept me and being very cold! Umm. Maybe I should stay at home and doto instead..

Speaking of which, it's been almost a week since I've last dotoded! Which is quite impressive! To think that it didn't take any life-changing epiphanies or a strong resolute mind to effect this change. Just sheer boredom. Of playing alone and losing. Every. Single. Game. I might be a loser, but I sure hate losing!!!!! It was either stop playing or smash my laptop to bits. Well not really. But it was that I tired of being let down again and again.. In doto as in love and life.... Hahahaha quite a stretch to connect doto to life there! Sad stuff right there.

Well, yeah. Got my first books since arriving too, 3 random ones and a Preston and Child novel and a Terry Pratchett one. Have my hopes. The Hundred-Year Old Man, apparently an International Bestseller! The Lighthouse, shortlisted for the Man Booker Prize! The Leaky Establishment, because it has an introduction by Terry Pratchett! Umm. Obviously my pursestrings are running wild like freaking earpieces in pockets.

My new love, Heart of Pirate (she's called Beatrice Martin actually), is the source of this quote "and she loved beyond looks, which is what every little girl should be taught in the first place." which I thought was such a gem of a sentence. Loving beyond looks, widely advocated but hardly experienced? I guess we all could learn from the example of Belle! Go Disney princesses.

On this note shall I take my leave, cause I'm a pretentious twat.

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