Friday, 28 October 2011

My Mistakes Were Made For You.

I stupidly tried to whisk an egg in a hot saucepan today cause I didn't want to have to wash yet another bowl. Bad idea. Obeying all laws of egg-cooking, it started frying upon contact with the saucepan. Cooking fail! I was gonna whisk it then pour it over my rice to make a scrumptiously delicious meal of fried rice but I made a fool of myself instead :( so I got fried rice with fried egg, which isn't at all the same as rice fried with egg. Louyapok'd.

I've been ridiculous these few days but I'll never tell anyone what I've been up to because it's such a shameful thing to admit to. I did finish reading Snowdrops which was pretty good, although I kept expecting some spy/political thriller of it. Does make me wonder whether I really want to visit Russia though!

And Spooks has been gripping, I suspect I'm gonna finish all of it before watching anything else (all 10 seasons, yes!) And then resume House, because the unexpected appearance of Hugh Laurie on Spooks made me crave it. And I miss Sweets from Bones actually, haha! Say what you want about psychologists.. And I can't stand not knowing what's going on between Booth and Brennan too ofc.

I'll be heading to York this weekend, and Newcastle-upon-Tyne (which means 2 places in 1 so pretty good deal eh?) I also have an essay due really soon so things might just get a little hairy around here :( I just need to find out what's going on, and what in the world are the royal prerogative powers?! Stay calm. Be still, my heart.

Speaking of which, I did go for a run recently, which is certainly good for me cardiac-ally. Fresh air and exercise, 2 vitally missing components in the life of a couch potato i.e. me. I really should try and get in some more exercise, rugby once a week just doesn't cut it, nor does the occasional run when my conscience can't stand myself any longer and drags me arse into my running kit.

I really don't know if I should head down to Bristol for The Naked and Famous. I feel like I'm being really irresponsible with my pursestrings (hypothetical of course, I'm obv 2manly4purses), whatwith the weekend trip all planned and paid for already. You have no idea how expensive trains cost cross-country bah. Bo lui :(

And I'm suddenly thinking France for Christmas. I was taking a walk towards the river with some friends when it struck me that I should spend Christmas or the New Year in Paris or something. Oh man. It'd be terribly romantic wouldn't it! If I'm going to spend my 21st birthday alone (which has always been the plan) I'll have to do it in stylez. And I doubt you get much more stylo-milo than Paris! Oh noez now I can't wait. It's not often I get excited over the new year like that!

It's incredible how people manage to sometimes connect so instantly, so randomly. All of a sudden you're talking to someone whom you've never spoken to before, whom you've never particularly cared for. Just like that. You barely remember the origins of your friendships do you? You wonder, why did we ever start talking in the first place? But that's how it is. It's a mystery.

It's incredible also how people manage to disconnect as well. You look back and you think: Wow, we were so close just a few months ago, what happened to us? How do we cut ourselves off from the people around us so easily? It's so easy it's scary. How is it that we manage to lose our connections just like that? Maybe it's not enough that we look back on these things and say "Oh, well." with a sigh and a little sadness, and then do absolutely nothing, carry on with moving on. It's so very senseless.

Oh bother I've got to get up at 7.30am tmr so I shall have to.. SLEEP! (CLASSIC DOUBLE UNDERLINE BOLD CAPSLOCK EXCLAMATION POINT) (If I could only get the second underline, damn!)

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