Thursday, 13 October 2011

A Little Addicted To A Little Sadness.

Hi guys. Cooked my first non-maggi meal (not that much of a step up, merely spaghetti haha not some molecular gastronomy haute cuisine blah blah), skipped my first lecture, had my first run, played my first contact, a week of many firsts!

I went to school at 9am yesterday but when I went into the lecture hall it was some biomed lecture or something. I trudged home and checked my timetable, only to find that *gasp* the lecture was at 11 instead. I woke up at 7.30 for goodness sake! I pledged then and there that I wasn't gonna make yet another trip (the road to school is upslope, and 10mins long, plz understand) when... the lecture will be posted online! Hehehe exploit much. 10mins up, 10mins down, CURRAHEE!

Yes, I've just spent 2 days watching BoB (only something as epic as Band of Brothers can use that acronym surely,) that epic miniseries denied me in my youth by my lack of HBO. Seriously compelling stuff, I watched 6hours straight the first day, before mopping up the rest the very next. That wasn't all, I proceeded to g33k out on wikipedia with WWII related stuff, like the Battle of Stalingrad etc (for, I'm quite ashamed to admit, more than 3hours. Thank you wikipedia.) If only I were so into my reading list! I got into the whole thing after watching Saving Private Ryan, and man, that opening scene of the Normandy landings on D-day! Probably one of the most intense scenes in movie history.

I'm gonna follow up with Platoon next hehe! Not my fault at all, since I'm like semi-crippled now, couch potato-natedness is only natural :) Dramamamama sup. I went to play rugby today and got at least 4 stud-marks to show for it, most prominent of which is on my foot, which makes walking such a chore! And my back feels like, idk how to explain it, but I NEED CHIROPRACTITIONATOR NAO PLZZ! Okay I think I just found my new favourite made-up word. Anw stuff like dramamamama comes from Terry Pratchett. Banananana. 'Nanny Ogg knew how to start spelling 'banana', but didn't know how you stopped.'

So yeah. I feel bruised and battered, my back hurts, my foot hurts. I haven't been able to shake off this injury(?) or pain or just general nuisance around my upper thigh which I think I picked up from beach touch! It's been what, 3 weeks now? I can't properly lift my legs sigh. Unles I'm running, then I don't feel it, so clearly it isn't something serious. I ran about 10km yesterday, from home to school to the quayside then along the river. Jealous ey? Pretty scenic, even if I do say so myself, (which I did.)

Have been listening to some random stuff on youtube lately, just clicking on links and stuff and adding them to my playlist. Started with The Pass, which I think is quite a good band. Bloc Party (a re-discovery really) Cajun Dance Party, Futureheads, Maximo Park, Rubik, The Last Shadow Puppets (Alex Turner from teh Arctic Monkeys,) Real Estate, more The Shins, more The Kooks, Los Campesinos, and now Gotye and Kimbra. That's the scary power of youtube, you just click and click and your list grows longer and longer and it's just insane. Apparently Pumped Up Kicks is quite hot now on, which is where I discovered Somebody That I Used To Know, so hurrey to songmeanings!

Anw my spagetti sauce sucks. I think my overjoy-edness at successfully making my spaghetti may have added a tinge of pleasantness to my dinner experience, but it doesn't disguise the fact that the bolognese sauce I bought is rubbish! I'm not gonna buy housebrand again (in this case it was tesco sigh) although if anyone else tries it and finds it delicious plz tell me! Means I have to refine my technique hahaha. So insecurez about my cooking.

Where should I go during the winter eh? That's jumping the gun abit ofc, since I have no idea whether my exams are pre or post christmas, but surely I can spare a week or two! Maybe I should go somewhere warmer, like maybe spain, or turkey, or greece. (I actually have no idea whether they would be cold as well haha I'm just guessing.) Then again I'd love to see the snowed in landscape of the Scandinavian countries or places like Siberia (too much la I think) or the Eastern bloc or sth.

Still have no desire whatsoever to travel to the US, and I still don't know why! But with my mate basil there, maybe I should reconsider that! I'd much rather visit Canada, so maybe I'll sojourn in Florida (or at least that's where I think he is) midway through a Canada trip for some respite from the winter! Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver etc. Sounds brilliant really, but Europe probably still retains the edge in a head to head. At the least France and Belgium? Could have Midnight in Paris and be In Bruges. Sigh, you may say that I'm a dreamer.

My funshion ceased to function (the pun is pathetic really.) Oh noez. That really sucks. I'm not even beginning to plough through my to-watch list yet!! And all the tv shows too ohman. Maybe I should start on my reading list sigh (the course-related one, not my personal one!)

Anw I'm gonna google "How to wash my shoes" very soon. Because I am mega tard. I don't know how to get rid of the grass stains on my trainers (running shoes) sigh. Do I bleach it or something, and how??? Yeah I know. I am such a domestic turd. My hope is that by the year's end I will be able to swiftly and decisively execute all these household chores. To lead, to excel, to overcome!!!!! I am le noob.

I also read an article on Stanley Millgram's "Obedience" exeperiments, which was quite fascinating. Especially against the backdrop of BoB and WWII. Can diffused responsibility really allow people to do so much? Quite hard to believe, that.

Oh I never mentioned that I saw a streaker last week, while watching the varsity football match. It was a bloody cold night too. He appeared, did push-ups on the field, and was chased away. Stark (naked) raving mad. I'm so punny trololol.

Anw this 9gag is making popular so many things which hitherto had only been known to the most diehard of geeks. Like some of the trollz. And some of the memes. Y U NO L33+5p3AK? It's gonna breed a whole new generation of trolls. Trolling4tehmasses! Cause epic troll is epic. I saw this tumblr full of ASOIAF (A Song Of Ice And Fire, Game of Thrones) memes, which were quite funny really. I don't even know what's going on in the show but after seeing a few of the memes I think I quite get the gist haha.

Addicted to sadness (got this from Somebody That I Used To Know,) I guess that's a possibility. Sounds abit pathetic perhaps, but some people just have a penchant for melo-dramatizing their lives. And maybe some people have sadness as their default state. And there are so many things to be sad about, no? I'm sure anyone could muster (no, not master, that's a tad more difficult) a little sadness.

And sad people produce better artistic work too don't they? I don't recall Beethoven leading a very good life, and I'd be way sad if I couldn't hear the music I was producing. And I guess you have to be mighty depressed to put your head in an oven too. But I don't know, think about it, you probably cling on to some sadness too.

Although maybe that's because great sadness can only come about from great happiness. Or more cynically, great happiness can only culminate in great sadness. Maybe eh?

Anw I just had movie night with my flatmates, well only 2 of them, but it was Shakespeare In Love! Idk how I managed not to watch it until now, but it was fantastic! So funny my goodness. Colin Firth with an earring. Judi Dench (aka M from Bond!) as the Queen, and Ben Affleck haha. I laughed out loud when Lord Wessex went "His ghost, his ghost!!" (ala Banquo) What a brilliant tribute to Shakespeare. And Sir Geoffrey Rush ofc.

Okay unfortunately I have an early day tomorrow, and there's no way Disciplined De is going to miss school twice in succession, so imma sleep now. 0730 projected wakey wakey so I've got a (usually) more than enough 7 hours of sleep, but I also have to recover from all my injuries! My foot, my foot! Goodnight to me, good morning to you guys! *winks* (I think I haven't winked in maybe 34 years, I wish I had occasion to haha!)

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