Saturday, 1 March 2014

An Existential Despair Occasioned By Valentine's Day And Other Public Celebrations And/Or Declarations Of Love And Other Icky Stuff.

Just kidding pls, not in any way a sufferer of crises, existential or otherwise. In actual fact, I am spending my V-day today with a Girl! Unfortunately, said girl is fictional, and I am referring to the excellent Girl Genius webcomic which I've been ridiculously hooked on the past couple of days/weeks. It is also where I was inspired by the darkly beautiful words: Existential despair. What an absolute riot, random Occam's Razors and faux-post-modern outfits abound as well.

Well on Valentine's Day related topics.. Favourite awful pick-up line I've read in the past few days or so. "Heard you're looking for a stud. I have STD and all I need is U." BOOM. Blown away.

Actually quite surprised by how devoid of love my facebook and various other social media platforms have been today though. There's actually not too much "icky" stuff around, which is a little odd, and quite sad too cause some of them are true "aww" eliciting stuff!

I was contemplating doing another V-day trip this year, especially since it is a Friday too, but then it's my friend's birthday so I decided meh I should just stay at home instead. There actually are still many little places I've yet to go to around here, but the ridiculous 100mph winds around here recently have kinda managed to dissuade any notion of such escapades. Also I managed to lose my debit card so I am woefully under-resourced at the moment :(

I did go bouldering yesterday, and now I can barely feel my forearms. I am sadly out of shape, in dire need of some conditioning, and managed probably to embarrass myself in front of a bunch of schoolkids yesterday. Barely identified any routes I could do, and I depleted what little there was of my strength in just under 2 hours. The shame.. I might make it a weekly thing though, if only to keep up at least some semblance of a "healthy lifestyle". Yeah right... Did also play squash this week though, so I can safely say my body is not actually silently dying on me. My back hurts too. Although that might be from lying in my bed all day with my laptop, I'm not sure and I'm not getting up to find out..

Actually scratch that wholly naïve paragraph above about no love on facebook. What was I even thinking... I'm actually glad for V-day, and yes it is commercialized yada-yada artificial love-should-be-everyday and all that, but come on, I think we could all do with more days set apart for love, couldn't we? Okay yes, inevitably you will come across some truly-mushy hair-raising stuff, but it kinda feels worth it when you see the really beautiful ones as well. I especially like the ones by the older folks, supposedly so #clueless when it comes to technology, but clearly no less #inlove.

EDIT: Okay so this is 2 weeks late, and I was completely inundated (what a word) by lovey-dovey stuff on social media after all, so the world was functioning as per normal. Much to my relief/chagrin. Feel like I haven't been using my brain all too much (waaaaaay too much Final Fantasy X-2 for my own good..) so here are some completely unnecessary completely gratuitous coolz wordz like inundated, and chagrin, and gratuitous (I actually spelt that wrongly on first try unfortunately, which validates my brain-atrophy theory). And susurration. (Not even blogger dictionary knows that word, how wrong you are little squiggly red line.) It's an onomatopoeia! (Definitely cheated here, who knows this word anyways geez.)

Well, goodbye February, you were short and sweet like a 100g packet of McVities Digestive biscuits instead of a 200g one.

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