Friday, 1 November 2013

What Does A Great White Shark Eat?

So I'm busy watching Parks and Rec (illegally streaming it of course)(at 1 am in the morning, in the middle of a school week, with two workshops i haven't prepared for tomorrow, and having to wake up at 7am, just sayin super saiyan, my life is a mess) and this question (the kind you have to answer before they allow you to continue) from one of the streaming sites pops up, WHAT DOES A GREAT WHITE SHARK EAT? What can I say, my jaw dropped and I panicked. I DON'T KNOW?! I mean, who does, srsly? And I thought that was it, condemned to a life of never knowing what that episode contained and having to plod off to sleep and wake up more refreshed/happy yada-yada all that crap. Of course it was a drop-down option bar thing with other options like turkey sandwich and stuff, so I did manage to get it right but still. What a bloody question eh?

Just gonna churn out a short update here cause my week has been utter bullcrapshit. No exaggeration. I did spend a great weekend away at Bangor with my excellent host shityu, but then I took a 7+ hour train ride back home and that did it for me, I think. Or at least I'm gonna pin it on that. I didn't go for any of my classes this week, missed one workshop even, and have basically lazed around all dayz. It is frankly awful. Did manage to muster up dinner for my homies so they don't starve, and I did just bake a lemon cake a couple hours ago, but I've spent the better part of my week sushi-ed in my duvet watching Community and Parks and Rec. Season 4 of Community was rather disappointing though, I must say, although I did have someone tell me that before so I probably went in more aware of its shortcomings than usual, but still. Meh. Still love Annie and Britta, but more Parks and Rec for me baby!

Otherwise, really not a whole lot I've done this week, and I feel pretty awful unfortunately. It's one thing to be aware of it, it's another to actually be able to do something about it. It kinda ties in with some thoughts I've been having lately which I will not elaborate on here, much to your relief probably, seeing as I do go on and on and on and on. Sometimes.

Bangor was cool even if I didn't get to scale Snowdon, we did make it probably 20% of the way up and that was pretty fun in and of itself so not really disappointed anyways, met Juli and had amazing phở which she made, and spent a pleasant day at the Conwy Food Fest just chilling out basically. A pretty good trip I'd say, huge props to shiyu for putting me up! (and putting up with me, and all my shit. Literally. #movingbowels)

Leaving tmr for Nottingham, coming back on Saturday. Was kinda reluctant to go really, cause I thought it'd mean losing an entire weekend again but I managed to schedule it such that I'd be back late Saturday night, so not too bad I guess. Imagine Dragon's the week after, so I will be having quite a hectic couple of weeks, and it kinda puts me in this horrible holiday mood as well. Bah. Never thought I'd see the day I feel miserable to be in this mood.

I finally finished City of Small Blessings, and Heart of Darkness as well. In my mind I always thought of the film (which I only ever watched halfway) and it's Vietnam War context, but the book is actually set in such colonial-scramble-for-africa times. I do think having been to Africa I appreciate some of its context a bit more, also having read a couple of books recently, which for some reason have shed some hugely critical light on the European powers and colonialism at the turn of the 20th century. It's a pretty sordid mess, even the peaceable harmless seeming nations like.. Belgium I guess. Well, I guess they did screw up Rwanda pretty publicly, but still. The extent of it, and how Africa as a continent is still reeling from all the "civilizing" the allegedly good-intentioned powers, is pretty shocking.

Also bought two books while on the way back from Bangor, Fatherland and Dominion, for some reason both novels set in the alternate history of Germany having won WWII. And that is about it. Nothing to crow about, no good stories, no memorable moments, life-affirming experiences, nothing but everyday humdrum mundane activities and plain good old-fashioned lazing about. There is this movie The Art of Getting By but sometimes I guess just getting by doesn't cut it. It's frustrating, but that's a good sign. I think I read something recently about depression being the lack of desire for desire, or something like that, which does make sense.

So anyway, that's it, and have a great weekend guys.

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