Sunday, 12 February 2012

The Looking Glass Wars.

I just had this most amazing dream. Or rather, series of dreams. And it wasn't exactly amazing per se; it was not particularly fantastic nor did it suspend my disbelief. Well, it did require a little suspension, but it was not the Golden Gate kind, more like the Tree Top Walk kind. Whatever the case, it was a very happy dream. I won't share it all with you, cuz it was personal! I had like 4 dreams in a row, and only one of them wasn't pleasant. It was Annabel telling me my hair is becoming a disaster hahaha. I have no choice but to say that it already is a disaster. I'm getting tickled all over my face by unruly strands of hair. The other dreams featured certain people of the female persuasion, some of whom my brain really worked hard to dredge up from the past, and it was nice.

It was so pleasant that even after waking up and subsequently failing to get back to sleep to try and hold on to the dream, I managed to retain that sense of happiness! Even till now. My subconscious probably has a crush on me or sth, it treats me so good! Hehe.

I've been listening to some songs lately which I really like. And some of the videos are brilliant too. One of them is The La's Looking Glass, which is a nice way of thinking of dreams. It's like a looking glass through which you glimpse a life you could have had, or a life you might yet have. Thank you Lewis Carroll for Alice in Wonderland!

Great Northern - Houses is one of my favourite songs atm. Then there's Kasabian's Days Are Forgotten. Madraguda's Step Into This Room And Dance With Me really grew on me. Initially I thought meh, but now I really like that song. Civil Twilight - Letters From The Sky. Guster - Satellite has a really nice video. So does Fossil Collective's On and On. SoKo's First Love Never Die has a super cute video too, co-directed by Matthew Gray Gubler!! I'm gonna have to watch Criminal Minds super soon man. And the boy in the video's name is.. Trip Star Moon. Tell me how irresistible is that? Super awesome.

Echo Is Your Love is one of my new finds, a Finnish band introduced by a Finnish friend. He told me they were one of the most creative rock bands on the scene and I concur. Silver Sufferer and We Celebrate Life, das gut! Saint Etienne too, to satisfy a craving for some electropop. Goodstuff!

Marina and the Diamonds' I Am Not A Robot is cool cause I like the lyrics. About trying to fit in and to be cooler than you are, or at least that's what I think. Maybe it's about Terminator trying to be taken seriously as an actual person, with feelings, though. It's hard when you're an Austrian superhunk though.

Well. Just watched The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo too and it was pretty good. Not at all what I was expecting. Much more... graphic. And intense. Definitely not one for the squeamish. And that girl has the weirdest face ever. Not exactly ugly, but not pretty either. Just odd.

Also made goreng pisang again, but I don't think the outcome was as good as that first time. Less creamy and it didn't melt in my mouth this time :( I think it was the semi-ripe bananas in use instead of the overripe ones. I also made a successful prawn dish, so my Cooking has gained quite a fair bit of EXP I think! When I reach level 50 I can enter the cooking guild (Y) (runescape anyone!)

Anyhow. It seems I'll be going to the Vatican for Easter Virgil this year. Definitely not something I'd foreseen, but that's what happens when you say "yes" to someone else. So many things would be different (not neccesarily better) if one just takes proposals with an open mind, instead of saying no for the sake of saying no. So a Vatican trip materializing out of no where with 2 of my fellow Singaporeans here. Should be interesting.

And I have decided not to go for the Valentine's Day traffic light party. I can just imagine the hordes of desperate single people decked out in green (or yellow, those who're trying to be coy) pouncing on any and every opportunity that presents itself. Not that I'm not desperately single myself... but that sounds pretty garish to me. Desperation in the air probably way past saturation point, you'll probably see blobs of gloopy Desperation on the walls and floors. Yurgh. I haven't decided what I'll do though. Probably stay at home and play a game hahahha. With Rinoa to keep me company.. Which is hands-down the most loserishest thing it's possible to do probably, but I shalt care not!

It's pretty depressing how I've only ever had one Valentine. Aha. In the realm of the single sad lonely gamers, the one-date man is king. So I shouldn't feel too bad about myself! Although that was... 4 years ago now! I've probably lost my touch altogether.. Hahah. That's pretty incredible, the passage of time. I wouldn't have pegged it as something that happened 4 years ago. That's a lifetime ago. Damn are we ageing!

I'll listen to Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band on V-day. There's always a song to celebrate every occasion. This Christmas past, mine was Greensleeves, or What Child Is This. I was in Nice when I suddenly thought, damn, if only I could listen to Greensleeves! I only heard it upon coming home, 2 weeks after Christmas, but it's still my Christmas song haha. Sgt Pepper's lonely, Sgt Pepper's lonely, Sgt Pepper's lonely hearts club band!!!

Ho hum. Okay. See ya'll. Signing off as the LB (lonely boi, that's what we called ourselves wasn't it? nong nong time ago.)

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