!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Cause 2 exclamation marks are not enough. The kind of liberation and relief you have no idea. Now I am free to do ANYTHING I want!!!! And free to dream of the holiday I will be embarking on in just 5 days! And go wild and enjoy Christmaspirit! Rejoice! Rejoice! Alleluia!
I've been awake since 12pm yesterday and I've been working on my damned essay all this while. Of course I had little breaks in between. I even binged on food, possibly the first time in my life I've ever had to succumb to that. I woke up and took a yoghurt from the fridge. I ate the emergency biscuits in my room. I made fish and chips. I made mashed potato. I ate more biscuits (custard cream mmhmm.) I ate rice pudding. I ate cold ham. I made litres of ribena. 'tis unbelievable, wot!
I've been tramping about the internet trawling for articles, I haven't taken my eyes of the screen for more than 30mins in the past 18 hours I think, reminiscent of my neopet days... Of course not, I'm way too manly for that. I mean Maplestory. No. Runescape. NO.
Anyhow, despite all my intellectual protests at the rubbish I was writing (like filler episodes in Samurai X) and all my agonizations and procrastination, I am finally done with the accursed essay. On to happier stuff!
I put the blame squarely on myself for all this torture, even in the midst of convincing myself to complete my essay, I found time to finish reading All Hell Let Loose by Max Hastings, "unquestionably the greatest single-volume history of the war ever written." It is a 700-page hardcover tome, which I started barely a week ago. Says alot about my stupid priorities, I finished the book before I was even a third of the way into my essay. It was a brilliant read though, not just about the various glorifications of the war that's been made since.
I have not watched any movies/tv shows in the past week (although I more than made up for that in the preceding weeks by racing through whole seasons of House and HIMYM) but I did find an awesome radio channel or somesuch. I clicked on a link to listen to Eisley's The Valley and was led to Jango.com which gave me an Eisley radio station.
eisley froufrou imogenheap tilly&thewall flo+machine afinefrenzy coldplay reginaspektor lenka emilyhaines deathcab phoenix mgmt feist thehushsound yeahyeahyeah's tegan&sara keane iron&wine natalie walker thepostalservice theverve thebird&thebee metric thewhitestripes
That was the result I got. Awesome or what?! It is quite an eerie assortment of bands/singers that have caught my fancy in recent years. Feist, Emily Haines, Lenka, The Hush Sound and to a lesser extent Iron and Wine (I used to think they were massively overrated, but their cover of Such Great Heights is not too bad afterall) are new discoveries though. But I never thought I'd hear Eisley and Frou Frou and Regina Spektor and YYY's and Phoenix and MGMT etc etc in a single compilation. Someone on high must be smiling on me pretty hard.
Somehow I get the vividest of dreams when I'm in rather shallow sleep. Like after going back to sleep after waking up to the alarm and setting it an hour later. Meaning I can't have slept for more than an hour. Yet my dream seemed to be quite the epic. The oddest dream, filled with people who are, shamefully, peripheral figures in my life. It is quite sad how many of them there are actually. People whom I remember acutely but who don't feature anymore.
My plans do not involve any shallow sleep from now on though, it's gonna be full-blooded 14 hour mega sleeps and 400,000 winks cause I.... FINISH ESSAY YESSAHBOMB>
I do have some homework over the next few days, albeit self-imposed. What's that?! one cries, still more homework after that ordeal? It is this: to learn french! I'm not particularly ambitious about this to be honest, cause linguistically I have the ability of single-celled organisms probably. But just basic "survival" french will do! Along the lines of (and in order of relative importance): HELP!, WHERE ARE WE?, Hello, Excuse me, do you speak English?, Thank you, Where is the food?, Please, Don't, Hurt, Me.
I have heard the Frenchman's historic hatred for Englishmen extend to poor Chinese boys who unfortunately, had not the fortune to grow up reading le Petit Prince or listen to Edith Piaf. I had 5566 and Jay Chou though, fair trade. So yeah, survival certainly is a strong incentive to embark on a quest to master at least 10 phrases in the french language, especially if I'm gonna spend weeks in france! Hehehe just 12 hours ago I refused to let myself get distracted/excited by that prospect, but now I'm totally gonna let my imagination run wild.
It is unreal though, to think that one week from now I'll be somewhere in Paris. I have to clear out my fridge before that though, which involves half a packet more of minced pork, 12 sausages, the remnants of the ham (after my dastardly attack on those swines this past night) 5 slices of smoked bacon, 2 bagels and possibly the contents of my freezer as well. I highly doubt I'm un-lazy enough to cook so much before leaving though haha.
I think.. I have nothing much else to add. I'm going to play some intense dota HAHA. And trudge over to the uni to hand in my work in case I fall asleep and miss my deadline. I would be very very cross with myself if I allowed that to happen. So. Ta-ta YESSAHBOMB!
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