Sunday, 30 December 2007

I Am Cool And Hip. Dead Day 5

To set the record straight, I am not rebellious or what. I am cool and hip, which explains why I'm staying over at a friend's place for the second day running.

Day one of being cool, I went to John's place. It's been like ages since the last GANG meeting. Almost all of us made it, Shawn, Desmond, Steve, Nick, Bok, Sam, Alicia, my sis, and even Valen and Joelle! And John of course. Even Guan was there, albeit only through the video call. We had dinner, veritably a feast. Beef steak, courtesy of Des, spaghetti carbanora with cheesy sauce, from Shawn, some sticks of bacon lettuce and mushroom I don't know who made, and tita's chocolate cake for dessert. Shiok. After that we karaoke-d all those old songs sia. Cannot imagine. Eternal Flame ah. Please Mr. Postman ah. One Way or Another ah. And many more, cannot accept, like my pa's generation one. Was great to be with the Gang again, it's been too long. Reached home at 10pm and slept at 4pm. Woke at about 8? Can't remember.

Then kenna call, wen xiang asked me to come sebastian's house. Supposedly to make jelly, cake or sth, for my birthday one, lol. So amusing. But they are all asleep and I am alone by the comp. And it's 4am again, I am mightily impressed. It's like a ritual of mine, to blog at 4. Lostprophets got one song, 4am forever, used to listen to it obsessively along with other lostprophets songs. I realize it's quite emo, LOL. And abit too mainstream for my liking, but the worst has got to be ROOFTOPS. Bloody hell, cater to mainstream market for sure one that song. Irritating. But there's Last Train Home, Hello Again and Last Summer. These assure me that lostprophets is like FTW FOREVER.

I am not suffering from a cough. I am not having a flu. I am not afflicted by vomitting fits. I do not have a headache. I am not sick. I do not pray for healing, I have already been healed. I do not pray for victory over these afflictions that assail me, I am standing on victory ground. The victory that was purchased 2000 years ago. By His stripes I AM healed, sickness has no hold over me. I rest in His finished work.

Divine health, supernatural prosperity, Godly wisdom.
Unearned, unmerited, undeserved favour.
Good night.

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