Friday, 14 December 2012

Riot On An Empty Street.

Who knew that Feist was the singer in Kings of Convenience's Know How? I've always wondered to myself who the singer to that could be.

What a hectic day. Did not actually wake up, cause I stayed up all night to complete my essay. So I can't even say it's been bad from the get go because go was not got, or get is not gone, or something. I'm pretty tired tbh, but I can't sleep cause I've got a bus to catch in 2 hours! Then it's London Stansted, then Eindhoven, then shortly after Amsterdam! Wooooo! Or, weeeeee-d! Just kidding.

You know you've just done a damn law essay when you try to describe your day like that.

The Good Day/Bad Day Dichotomy - Almost late in submitting essay. No sleep. WORST CAB RIDE OF LIFE OF EVER. 28 POUNDS OKAY. I was gonna be late for my train to Portsmouth, cause the tube was gonna take at least 20mins, and I had barely 25mins left to go, plus I had to walk to the station. Fortuitously, OR SO I THOUGHT AT THE TIME, there was a cab right outside the door. 40mins later I arrived at the station, immensely depressed. And pissed off at myself for cutting it so fine. aisdjalksjheioatiqoij!!!IJADKLJDlj.

At least I managed to book a bus from my clever phone for 12 quid, so I managed to cram in lunch as well. Subway, I thought, could not possibly fail me. What do you know. The only bad meatball marinara I've ever consumed. You know life is sucks when even your MM is bad. Slept all the way to portsmouth, thank god I managed to sleep. Went shopping. SHOPPING. Truly I understand now the meaning of retail therapy. That exact moment when you slip a jumper over your head and it fits... What can I say. It was a cathartic experience. I'm not even taking the piss. Brought a megawatti smile to my face i.e. so bright I deserved for that moment to be the Philipino president. Bought 2 jumpers, cause Portsmouth Primark is Power Packs while Exeter Primark is Extremely Poor (or as I like to put it, PPPP EPEP). Still extremely pleased with my buys, I'm never dissing any female again or mocking them about shopping. I HEARTS RETAIL SHOVE OFF MISOGYNISTIC BIGOTED STUPID MEN.

Then I had dinner at a Wetherspoons pub. Seriously you can't go half an hour in any English city without encountering at least 3 of them or something. Curry club thursday, they said. Green thai curry, I replied. Bad move. Sigh. About the only thing I got out of it is this awful flatulence. Yeah. Incredibly foul smelling. Probably it's a combination of that and the crazy amounts of onions I had in my foot-long sub. Yurgh. My stomach churns and my nose breaks down at the thought of that sludge inside me now. Although probably half of it has been expelled in gaseous form by now. Was bad. I did get dessert which consisted of Belgian waffles and ice cream though, which was pretty good. Slight teaser for myself I guess! Can't wait for the authentic thing yumz. More on dat later.

Oh man I just went to the toilet, and talk about catharsis! Not even funny. I mean, that was the most... Just kidding. Of course I wouldn't discuss my shit experience. Not even how my bowels almost feel seared from having to handle such toxic waste. That would be disgusting.

So after that was the xx. Not gonna to do all caps to display my excitement cause it's all about understated cool. That's obv. I must say I expected some really weird characters to show up for the concert. Like all minimalist or fully outfitted in black or goth-chicks or something. But nope. Pretty normal crowd, nothing like that all-gay crowd for Uh Huh Her. Srsly don't think I'd ever seen a larger convention of the LGBT (guess gay isn't very PC) community than that! Mmoths opened for them, and they were alright. Not as awesome as Haim for Florence, which I just realized I've not mentioned yet. Laters. I had to leave by 22:15 though, as I had a train to catch back to London. Thank goodness at 22:10 they played Islands. Concert would not have been compleat without Islands. My big three has to be Crystalised, Islands and VCR. Pretty happy. Then here I returned, back to my cousin's place in London, awaiting my bus to take me to happier (less smelly, it's permeated the walls) places!

So that was today. I've had an eventful couple days leading up to this, which I'll try to encapsulate in a mere 25 paragraphs or so. How I even struggle with essays I cannot comprehend. So I had this Asian Dinner on thursday night. I cooked my specialty dish the sweet & spicy prawns. Just kidding, was my first time making it, since the sauce came in the care package sent from home. Which contained my boots which means I'm a warrior now, no more quailing in the face of mere ice/snow. Anyway. It seemed to be a hit! I'm not sure if people were just being nice about it but it was the first to go... Although that possibly could also be due to lousy portioning hahaha. It was a pretty good dinner overall, had to be about 20 people or so.

Saturday came and went. Yeah right. I met kinonn ho in Coventry after 4 hours on the train. Srsly exeter is the punggol of UK. When an IKEA is the best part about a city you know the city is sucks. Well, it was actually decent, but we weren't there for sightseeing were we?!?! FLORENCE + THE MACHINE WAS DA BOMBERS. I really can't describe it any further than that. It was simply amazing. I knew she was good live, but I was absolutely blown away. Best concert I've been ever. Crazy good. No, I won't even try to go on describing the indescribable.

Following day we went to Stratford-upon-Avon and that was probably the best decision we could have made. What a brilliant little place, to think we spent less than 2 hours there cause we missed our train haha. Absolutely completed my weekend, possibly and probably one of the most epic weekends of my life. Was a pleasure travelling with my liege, my captain ho. I'm pretty glad I didn't attend the concert on my own at dodgy little westpoint arena in exeter!

Then I reached London at 10-ish and decided that getting into the tube would be too ordinary an experience for such an epic weekend. Cycle hire, or Boris Bikes as I've heard it called at just 1 pound for 24hours. Was kinda worried I wouldn't be able to balance cause my shoebag is clipped on to one side of my bag. Hahahaha. Unfounded concerns, cause soon enough I was zipping down the streets of London and getting lost and stuff. Would have been cooler if my seat had been secure. Instead, it gradually got gobbled up by the chassis and I was left staring up at the handlebars. Okay, nothing so kua but it was uncomfortable. And probably incredibly stupid looking. But it was fun. I think it's something I have to do everytime I get into London, it really is that awesome!

Brendal flew into London on monday so my plan was to meet her and show her around town. I must admit I'm still quite surprised by the fact that she's backpacking around europe. And that she'd even meet me hahaha. I remember how mean I could get towards her, and all the other girls as well. I think she remembers it as well, which makes it all the more surprising that she agreed to hang out! Hahaha. Okay I don't think it was all THAT bad, or she'd not have contacted me prior to coming here. I'm really glad to have met up with her, and hopefully she had fun while I showed her the sights and sounds of London!

I'll be meeting her again in Berlin where we'll be travelling together for a couple days, along with some of her friends. It's incredible to think that 5 years after leaving BBSS we'd suddenly make plans to travel around europe together. And it's not even awkward at all, at least not that I've felt, so all's good so far! I'm just kinda incredulous about the whole affair.

And yeemin is gonna fly into Amsterdam while I'm there as well, just 2 days later in fact, so it's cheers once more to spontaneity! It's really not that hard, doesn't require months of planning or something, if you want to travel with someone. Or meet someone, for that matter. Sometimes we make everything seem so hard and onerous when it's actually not. Like my essay. Oh man. Probably the worst essay I've ever done. I had so little remaining time I totally trashed the end-notes and bibliography. Not looking forward to the result of that nonsense sigh.

Hmmm. Nothing much left to add I guess, without going way too deep and not being able to end this hopefully short-ish post, cause it's 4am and I should really be leaving by 4.15.

Yep, hope everyone's tidings are glad and cheers are goodness!

Thursday, 13 December 2012

Home; Christmas.

I will be home for Christmas
(Cause home will be here)
(Wherever here may be)

And I will live life
(Cause life is for living)
(Life is for the living)

 And I will laugh
(Cause life without joy is not life at all)
(Joy is life and life is joy)

And I will love again
(But who shall I love?)
(The one the world)

So I will be home for Christmas
Living laughing loving
Cause I will be home
The home that's all around me.