Monday, 22 August 2011

The Cold Air Will Rush Your Hard Heart Away.

Just back from some mahjong action AKA gombak massacre, and this time I was not the massacre-ee but the massacre-er mohoho. No ZMMT though :( But free chicken rice (famous one) and ice green lemon green tea makes up for it I guess! And woonshin's wallpaper ofc.

Also watched Incendies at Cineme Europa today, after going to the hospital and my aunty's place. Pretty powerful stuff. Of course it isn't very plausible lah, but why would you watch a movie if it's a perfect rendition of reality? Just live a life, man. I also want to watch Four Lions actually.

I ate at GoIndia! at Vivo just now and man... If that's what a Kashmiri lamb is like then I daresay Singapore should have a slice of the pie as well, along with the Chinese, Indians and Pakistanis. I think before I sleep tonight images of sheep jumping over not a fence, but a barbeque pit, and defying all laws of physics, get suspended there (and rotated to boot) for just long enough to be perfectly cooked yumyum. No one can do a curry like an indian. Incidentally is today curry eating day or was that last week? What a palatable event.

Well I've got werk the-morrow so pleasant slumbers you.

Sunday, 21 August 2011

On The Streets Of Serenade.

Just done with some dota (yet again) which firmly cements my place among the dota greats (yet again!) I've gotta get up to go to the hospital at noon tmr to visit grandma, where I will be meeting my aunty who wishes to speak to me. I'm pretty sure her "speak" is gonna turn out to be a lecture instead, so I should fortify myself somehow.

I suspect the lecture will be about how I have to study bloody hard to get myself brilliant grades so that I can earn massive amounts of money, plus minus a few superlatives. Everyone knows how much of a lazy bugger I am, unfortunately. Apparent from the way I haven't booked my flights yet :O Is okay I clean up my act tmr like np.

Anw I realized I lost a few ticket stubs this year, so there's a little bit of a gaping hole in my collection. My friend tells me I'm a junk collector, and he's probably right!

Ang also says my hair is damn BadBoy. Alright! Score! All I need left is to master the DoucheWalk and I'm good to go eh? Baddest boy in town okay. Almost as bad as my Line Birds is good.

I don't know what it is about sembawang waters but after dipping in it I have become uber pimply. The kind of rubbish you can find underwater you have no idea. And when there's an oil spill as well even the surface is no respite, so you can tell how miserably smelly we all were.

Okay I know very incoherent and jumpy hmm? I can't seem to string together more than a few thoughts before drawing blanks, and I am alarmingly hungry as well, so I shall sleep right now because everyone knows late night snax are bad for your figure, and I'm trying very hardly to keep in shape!

OWTV gd nit3.

Saturday, 20 August 2011

No, Not Your Lies Nor Your Downcast Eyes.

Have been on a movie binge of sorts lately, capped off with Rise of the Planet of the Apes (POTA) yesterday. So I think the one thing I took away from the movie was this: PETA or POTA! So let's start being nice to animals (especially hyper-intelligent ones) and not give our hairy counterparts any reason to want to smash us into little bits. Support PETA!

Cowboys VS Aliens is a movie that has managed to transcend its genre. By genre I mean the "VS" genre consisting of such gems as I don't know.. Cobra VS Mongoose or Hippopotamus VS Rhinoceros or sth. I thought Olivia Wilde was a little underwhelming and more than a little creepy however. But Daniel Craig the cowboy has higher-teched gizmos than Daniel Craig the 007 (aka Bond. James Bond.) But ya lah better than I'd expected from a terribad title like that.

Wu Xia was a whole lot better than I thought it would be, whatwith all the lousy ratings people were giving it. It's possible I'm a little partial to Tang Wei, but who cares it's still a good show.

I shall watch Incendies and Beginners and Bridesmaids, maybe even today? Not all today of course, that would be insanity.. or not. I haven't been spending enough time alone I think, as in the proper kind of time where you actually can hear what your mind has to say to yourself, y'know? I've been traveling, or reading, or playing dota, I haven't managed to just.. ruminate. Maybe tonight. Cinema Europa Vivocity here I come!

Okay not, dinner with circle, or semi-circle, or whatever the heck we are left now! Goodbuy.

Monday, 8 August 2011

Here, There Be Dragons!

Happy National Day Eve guys. I'm quite looking forward to watching the parade tmr, seeing as I missed it last year no thanks to my brilliant brother who convinced me it started at 8:19pm, despite my doubts we'd be able to make anything out in the dark. On TV, of course, which makes me wish I were P5 again eh?

I haven't been keeping up with my incessant blogging for a while now, but that's cause my comp is being shared by my mother, my brother and I. And what little time I do get on my comp I... it's a secret. Then again, since it's probably the worst kept secret in yewtee by now I might as well tell you that I spend all my time playing dota :) whoopsy daisy!

Anw hongkong was very fun thankyouverymuch for asking, and it would have been funner, even funnest, if I didn't have this ridiculous, sad, tummyache the first 2 days. Like appetite -9000 sigh. I still managed to consume quite a number of sumptuously sumptuous food e.g. charsiew pao and charsiew pao. Forgive me, sometimes all I can think about for days is the charsiew pao, true story.

I think that was the most expensive hotel of my life though. Not the most original of names perhaps (Nathan Hotel on Nathan Road doh) but it was plenty massive. As was the TV screen, much to my delight. One never knows how much of a couch potato one is until you plop yourself in front of a huge LCD TV streaming cantonese shows all day long.

Anw thanks amanda for the free tickets ((Y)) and both of you for the company! And for trying so hard to help in my quest to shop. And for not killing me with over-shopping.

I managed to catch Midnight in Paris, Love Actually, and a silly chinese show called The Butcher, The Chef and The Swordsman on the plane rides. Midnight in Paris wasn't quite as enjoyable as Vicky Christina Barcelona and I really only watched it for Rachel McAdam, but I must say that Woody Allen's films are pretty good. I should check out those starring Diane Keaton or sth, those old movies.

And Love Actually was brilliant! I don't know how I've managed to not watch it in all the years since it came out (I was underage when it first did) but I sure am glad I did. I don't think there are many of you out there but if you still haven't watched it, you should.

My brother harangued my into clearing my mess and arranging my stuff nicely so now I've got a brand new layout for all my books and all my nice(ly) useless stuff. I currently have 101 books in my possession! of which 37 are still unread. Which is a horrible statistic, which I have done nothing to improve by visiting the library! Of course if you see a book like One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest then you are very much obliged to borrow it, yes yes. It is unexpectedly smooth reading, so I expect I shall very soon find out what exactly happens to the mad and not so mad men in it. Then I can watch the movie, starring a young Jack Nicholson.

Which reminds me how many TV shows I have to watch. I just started on Psych cause my brother psycho-ed me into watching it. (Sigh I know what a poor pun, oh to what depths I've sunk.) It's quite funny actually. So that makes it the 4th crime/detective show I'm following after Criminal Minds, Bones and The Mentalist. And is the 7th TV show after also How I Met Your Mother, House M.D and The Big Bang Theory. Oh the horror. And since all I do is dota.... I'm such a burden to society srsly.

I did want to alleviate a little of that burden but the bloodbank is closed today so ohwells. They've been sending me messages about a shortage of blood they're having (especially my sweet precious O+ blood) so I think I shall go down this saturday or sth.

Anw I just read about Anne Hathaway being the next Catwoman in the next installation of Batman?!?! That's gonna be an odd pill to swallow. Of course, I'd probably have said this if I'd heard she was gonna be the White Witch in Alice, but that turned out okay. I'd have expected.. someone sexier though, haha. Like... I don't know. Angelina Jolie is too old and too cool probably for a superhero film. Hoo well I really can't think who could be a good Catwoman, you'd need a real sizzler! Like Sienna Miller in her turn in GI Joe, hoo boy.

The only dragon you'd see here is this dragon-sized wall of text, as usual, boring me. I don't know why I keep hearing this phrase in my mind lately though. This and Macbeth's "something wicked this way comes." It must point to the fact that I'm such a dangerous person, yes? Hahaha. In an interview, Nina Dobrev said that girls always go for the bad boy, and while I can't verify that with the rest of the female population it is suffice that she does. Hahaha obsession reaches an all new level. But as of now I am BadBoy92 and I even howl sometimes during the full moon a la Jacob Black and occasionally glitter in the sun as well. Glitter = Free Win.

Alright enough of that babbling, I think I've embarrassed myself enough. More pertinently, one of my dota kakis has very kindly invited me to play so BAI BAI NOW.