Sunday, 10 October 2010

You Think They Got Wear Underwear?

We were on a bus in india and we went past some indian man in a sarong (or lungi as I've just learnt) when one of my friend asked... HAHA. It was so hilarious (and off colour) I told myself I had to write it down sometime.

Anyway it'll just be touch and go today, gotta leave home soon, at 5 or thereabouts. In fact, I don't have much else to add haha. Probably my first to second shortest posts ever. Everytime I start blogging I contract this disease known as verbal diarrhea, also otherwise known to some as textual stimulation. Which this post could descend to if I don't control myself!

So. Friends out there, do stay happy. Whatever you're facing now might seem abit of a challenge but no worries your friends will stick by you. You'll be fine.

And with that... Toodles!

edit: oh yeah it's 10/10/10 don't we all feel special today! Of course, I had to wake up late and miss 10:10:10am. Less magic in the air for me than for the rest of you guys who managed to catch that magical time! ):

Sunday, 3 October 2010

And If You're Hurting, It's Okay.

Hi. Well I was gonna blog about india but what if it's considered sensitive information or something and I get charged and thrown into db just like that?! Actually no. I just don't have the feel for chronicling my experiences there. But it was awesome and quite the eye-opener (and stomach-fattener no thanks to the awesome naans and curries etc.). Really, it was worlds apart from what I had been expecting. Now I really want to backpack India. Where to find the time though! Maybe during uni holidays? Sigh life just gets more complicated from here on. What happened to the heady days of our youth?

People say we still have all our life ahead of us, bright future and all that. But do we really? We're bogged down by the fight for survival, caught up in the rat race, consumed by meaningless menial tasks. The challenge for us is to see past all this, to derive meaning and joy from all that we do, to fixate our hearts and our minds on something (or possible even someone) we can live for, something which can pull us through every day of our lives. In fact, the search for this something (or someone) is meaningful in itself, as long as you don't stop searching, and never forget that you are.

Don't spend your life living for yourself, is what I'm actually trying to say. Nobody is big enough that he doesn't have anything to live for apart from himself. Anyone who thinks that is deluded and quite possibly an asshole too. That's one of the reasons I signed on anyway, to at least have some meaning and purpose in what I do for a living instead of just, you know, for a living. I had previously considered doing humanitarian work and the like, but it's difficult to carve out a future from that isn't it? Selfishness and money matters trump altruism all the time.

Anyway. When I started my post I was thinking along the lines of, sometimes life sucks and every morning that you wake up again is just the start to another day of hurt and pain. But the bad things in life, you will get over someday. One day you will get what you deserve, and truly you deserve much more than you've got. One day everything will turn out alright and everything will make sense once more. One day you might be happy once again, and what more could one want? So if you're hurting, you can be hurting, it's okay.

Sidetrack. I wanna watch Wall Street but to be honest it's probably more for watching Carey Mulligan than anything else. She's also appearing in another movie soon which is fantastic! Other than that, I have lost track of upcoming movies so I don't really know what I want to watch. The Town seems promising though.

Double sidetrack. I bought 6 books in India cause it was so cheap I couldn't resist, like 8 bucks for a brand new book. Neil Gaiman of course, and also a few other books I'd always wanted to obtain. A Clockwork Orange, classic. Paddy Clarke Ha Ha Ha which I vaguely remember hearing of before, and it's booker prize winner so it clearly can't go too far wrong. Milan Kundera's The Joke cause I'm looking forward to another Kundera experience. And one more book I bought merely for the sake of buying cause I had too much rupees, A Better Mousetrap by Tim Holt. We'll see how that goes.

Actually I have alot of things I want to write about, but I shall leave them for another day. Dota beckons, and loath am I to resist its beguiling call. Till next time then.