Sunday, 12 September 2010

Eight Days A Week.

Title of another awesome song by the beatles, dunno how they're so arresting with such simple lyrics. Well yeah I feel like I need 8 days a week, cause somehow I don't seem to be doing much with the 7 I have, haha. I have all these grand plans that I without fail do not execute once the weekend arrives, or in this week's case block leave. Plus I have so many tv shows I want to watch e.g. HIMYM Bones Criminal Minds Mentalist and more (also big bang theory which I have heard good stuff about) All those unwatched episodes are piling up week after week....... Sigh.

Anyway I was thinking of Bones and whether it'd be a good thing if bones and booth were to get together. You know it's inevitable but do you really want it to happen? A big part of the show is the anticipation of when it finally happens. Just like HIMYM you know one fine day he'll meet her but you don't want the show to end haha. Actually the 2 scenarios are quite dissimilar and in fact quite random. I'm pretty tired maybe you can tell.

I don't want you to cry for me, but it'd be nice to know you do.

Well. This thought (maybe not these exact words) has been in my head for quite a while now, thought I'd surface it before I forget about it. I think you might once have thought thoughts like that. You don't want somebody else to feel sad or anything for you, but it would be nice to know that they did wouldn't it? That at least you meant something, you figured in their lives enough for them to be sad for you, to cry for you. Do you get my meaning? This makes me think of wanting to see who turns up for your funeral and observing who cries and all. You just want to know someone cares.

But I guess till that day, you'll never know eh? Somehow I don't feel like I mean all that much to people. (I'm not bashing myself, I'm not into that haha) But it's just that I think I'm not the kind of guy who makes that much of an impact on someone else. Not dispensable (I hope not) but probably quite replaceable. My track record not too brilliant either I guess. And recent events not exactly making me brim with confidence.

Moving on. Yesterday (looking at the time make that 2 days ago) was pretty awesome. From mahjong to climbing badminton dimsum and a picnic. How's that for happening? And before that underway (for which bel has my eternal gratitude) which was pretty decent I guess. The days passing much faster than I had hoped and it's gonna be slip-off in a few hours time. Not exactly very well prepared for it I think. Oh well. Gonna be an experience for sure, and since I plan to backpack india someday it should be enlightening!

More random thoughts. I was thinking if I were to OOC I'd be absolutely lost. My life for the next 10 years or so is pretty much sorted out now. Freedom is so overrated seriously. Everyone goes like "why you sign away your life/freedom/whatever else?!" But honestly I'd prefer stability to flexibility anytime. You know, the flexibility to make whatever choices you want, to quit your job or switch employers or something. Why would I want that? That's probably just me. Maybe in 5 years I'll be hating my life and the decision I made 5 years ago haha.

And more.. Don't you feel that so many things in life are so arbitrary? Maybe quite an odd word to use (it's from Ben Elton in The First Casualty) but also quite apt. Maybe. Some things seem to happen purely by chance. Some of the most important things in your life. And doesn't it make you feel uncomfortable that some of the most crucial events in your life were shaped entirely by coincidence and chance? Your humanity, your personality and intelligence and whatnot were not taken into account whatsoever, it was merely Lady Luck and her capricious ways. Well of course there's God and destiny and all, but I'm just saying.

It's brought to mind cause the fact that I signed on with the navy was all so much happenstance. If my BMT buddy had not been interested in the navy and persuaded me to attend the recruitment talk with him things would be very different now wouldn't it? Add to that the fact that I very almost decided to not go with him as well (I was very reluctant) and you see what I mean. Well it certainly makes life very interesting, and sometimes time and chance collude to create something magical. That's what we all live for isn't it? In the hope that somehow someday something amazing is going to befall us.

Well. To that hope, and more. I'll be sleeping now, see you guys in 3 weeks or so, ready to regale all of you with tales of Incredible India and Bollywood Babes and er... Nice Naans??? Haha I'd come up with something far more intelligent sounding but I'm too tired for that! Toodles.

So now. Did you?